Evolutionary Women From: Andrea Hylen
Date: Sunday, April 10, 2011
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Hello Dear Sisters,

If you are on Facebook, you may have seen or heard something about the Awesome Women Hub. I want to share two things with you about this.

http://www.facebook.com/AwesomeWomenHub Over 14,000 women have clicked "LIKE" to join this page in the last year. After exploring Facebook for a few years, Robin Rice created this page as a place for women to post websites, projects, fan pages, inspirational quotes and asks that while you are there, you read some of the other posts, click like and support the other women on the page. Celebrate and support each other. Read a blog, go to a website. And many times women find other women to collaborate and connect with. It continues to grow and expand. It has been called the Generosity model.

The other thing that has emerged out of the page is The Awesome Women Hub tour. It is an emerging process. Robin and a team of women will go to 8 cities, maybe up to 11 over the next year. One per month. 100 women maximum at each location.Each woman is called a sponsor of the event and either attends as one of the 100 or is a virtual sponsor. Approx 5 local leaders in each city to volunteer at the event and support Robin and her traveling team. The first three cities are Baltimore/DC, NYC and Los Angeles. http://www.awesomewomenhub.com/ The women who attend this are all Leaders and Sponsors of the Event.

The media attention is growing and the first one hasn't even happened yet. The first event is in May. Robin is committed to the grassroots feel of this event and is consciously making choices about the media.

I created a SoundCloud 3 minute audio to share the bigger picture vision of what I see happening here. For me, this is the next wave of the Evolutionary Women Retreat where women become visible to each other. In each city, on Saturday there will be processes, meditations, group conversations exploring and awakening women to answer the question What The World Needs Next...On Sunday, each women will be videotaped with her spark of an idea. The video from each city will be posted on Youtube with each woman speaking her words into the camera. There will be activities in each city on Sunday to stay connected to each other while the videotaping is happening. (Within two weeks of each event, Robin will create a video with a piece of music that has already been donated by a musician. It is posted on each cities page.)

My SoundCloud audio. http://soundcloud.com/andrea-hylen-1/audio-recording-on-monday

Feel into this vision of each woman waking up to an idea and words to answer: What the World Needs Next... And each woman's vibration will be recorded and spread around the world on Youtube. And the ideas being woven city by city by city. Connecting, awakening...This is the next wave!

Will you be one of the voices?