Love Radiance Intention From: Ram Varma
Date: Friday, February 29, 2008
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Hi All,

Thanks dear Starr* for your kind words. I like your concluding line:

>>>Living Love -------- PMP ------- Starr*<<<

The divine gift presented in the garden is in fact "PDP"....inviting for the visitor's "Presence in the Divine Presence".

Worth the contemplation in the the context of the "Being and Doing/Living Marriage........Oneness".

What kind of experiential awareness does it provide (to you) in the day to day living?

Being Present in the Divine Presence (PDP)..... Ram

---- On Fri, Feb 29, 2008, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

When Love touches Consciousness wonderful things happen ---- as beloved Peter has explained!

Living Love -------- PMP ------- Starr*

---- On Fri, Feb 29, 2008, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Dear Ram - The Divine Presence in the PMP in the Garden is a wonderful wonderful gift...thank YOU!

RAM: Thus it brings me a great pleasure to bring my gift of any conceivable divine manifestation/form one can imagine. At this time, I am imagining and feeling the divine energy of that Universal Trinity form which creates, sustains and dissolves in its own cosmic way. Its workings are infinite and cannot be finitely pinned down. However, by an authentic contemplation and spiritually dialoguing with It, one can feel not only the local energy but also the universal energy at least in the following different attributes that can be invited and cultivated:

>>>intelligence, knowledge, non-delusion,forbearance, truth, self-control and calmness, pleasure and pain, birth and death, fear and fearless ness, non-injury, equanimity, contentment, austerity, charity, fame and obloquy........and so on...<<<<

Living Love, Starr*

---- On Thu, Feb 28, 2008, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Dear dear Constance, Ram, and beloved members

I am typing with my left hand as the other one will be out of commission for six weeks. So my communication may be a little sparse - but I am with you.

Where ever we put Conscious thought there is energy - and that energy can have potential to become physcial - as above so below. This is why we want to clean up our shows up in the world.

"When large numbers of men and women can so act, then the human family will enter upon its destined work of planetary service. Its mission is to act as a bridge between the world of spirit and the world of material forms. All grades of matter meet in the human, and all the states of consciousness are possible to them. Humankind can work in all directions, and lift the subhuman kingdoms into heaven, and bring heaven down to earth."

I think Constance's quote says it well --- and thanx for making it gender inclusive!!! smile

Living Love, Starr*

---- On Wed, Feb 27, 2008, Ram Varma wrote ---

Hi Starr*, Constance, Veronika, Peter, et all,

First of all, please let me appreciate the self-energizing concept of "The Garden" being spiritually stationed in the Infinite Consciousness that is present at all times, at all places. As it underlies/sustains all forms, all gods, all saints...all one can see and one can not see. Hence it is not a physical garden. Its essential nature is spiritual in the sense that being there in it and/or with it, one can get in touch with one's own intrinsic nature of Truth/Freedom, Awareness and Joyfulness. And be also in the company of the others who are either visiting or stationed there by way of our individual unique gifts ;as Starr* has earlier pointed out. All these gifts are self connecting and infinitely self-expanding through the principle of LRIG (i.e. Love, Radiance and Intention). It is like a group meditation where the group's energy is many more times that of the individual energy. Hence it makes sense to bring one's own spiritual gift that is in alignment with these inherent feelings and realizations that are individual, collective and universal in nature. Thus it brings me a great pleasure to bring my gift of any conceivable divine manifestation/form one can imagine. At this time, I am imagining and feeling the divine energy of that Universal Trinity form which creates, sustains and dissolves in its own cosmic way. Its workings are infinite and cannot be finitely pinned down. However, by an authentic contemplation and spiritually dialoguing with It, one can feel not only the local energy but also the universal energy at least in the following different attributes that can be invited and cultivated:

>>>intelligence, knowledge, non-delusion,forbearance, truth, self-control and calmness, pleasure and pain, birth and death, fear and fearless ness, non-injury, equanimity, contentment, austerity, charity, fame and obloquy........and so on...<<<<

Thus by being authentically there, there is an infinite potential in expanding the individual and group Present Moment Presence into the Omni-Presence of the Source from whom/what we all come and return. Consistent dedicated contemplation of the Infinite as such can even result into inwardly giving up all the notions of "I am the doer", yet engaging in all the worldly activities outwardly. This simply may amount to the gradual realization of living in this world, completely free from the least trace of the ego- sense.

Please feel free and welcome to visit this great garden and make sure you also connect with this special divine booth as I have described above. Give it a shape or form as you like. Let it shine all the way through you and all around in all the things and beings in the whole universe. And let the universal interconnectedness dawn on its own without any struggle and without any fixed goal/expectation in your mind.

Once you simply visit the garden integrally and go through your own unique authentic experiences in your silence, it would be nice if you could share them at this forum. So that the circulation of special divine energy is felt and brought in our day to day living of our lives effortlessly.

Looking forward to the opportunity of being there with you in the Garden.

See you then.......Ram

---- On Tue, Feb 26, 2008, Constance Hall-Orman wrote ---

Hello to you All!

Here is a quote that I found from Alice A. Bailey in reference to group work and selfless service, also pays to mind, what can happen in the Garden.

"When large numbers of men and women can so act, then the human family will enter upon its destined work of planetary service. Its mission is to act as a bridge between the world of spirit and the world of material forms. All grades of matter meet in the human, and all the states of consciousness are possible to them. Humankind can work in all directions, and lift the subhuman kingdoms into heaven, and bring heaven down to earth."

See, Garden topic in Documents.

And when you have any comments, would love to hear them.


PS: I see this as the marriage between the Being and the Doing!

Enjoy, In joy!




