Love Radiance Intention From: Constance Hall-Orman
Date: Saturday, July 12, 2008
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Greetings to Everyone!

It is hard to put into words or there are no words, to express what you observe as an outpouring of wisdom, love and energy. Each of us direct contributors to the transformation occurring in humanity in this moment.

The Magnitude of the Light changing within us, charging up with more intensity is effecting all of us here at LRIG and Lightpages, as Jeanie has felt and expressed, and we are not the only human beings experiencing this transformation, of course;-) ...

The only thing that seems to be a barrier, a challenge set before us, a task yet to be taken ... is the recognition ... and the outward expression of this transformation at the human level as a whole global family and the outwardly livingness. It is known in our hearts, we imagine and vision it there in our minds ... but we (humanity as a whole) still struggles to materialize this into a living reality on earth throughout all living things.

Each of us, has a way and follows it and trusts it ... for we know this as IS or GOD ... words unable to adequately define, but we somehow know.

I sit here ... and stare at this little cursor flashing ... trying to find the words to express what I'm feeling is happening among us, the Body Changes.

Perhaps, it is best left unsaid and allow it ...

to unfold,