Love Radiance Intention From: Ram Varma
Date: Friday, November 14, 2008
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Hi All,

Moving authentically towards the integral context, here is worth the contemplation and cultivation (of an integral attitude) in all we do:

>>>We cannot escape wholeness, yet we can fail to recognize it. Spiritual awakening is the realization of wholeness, beholding the One in all....-Ellen Grace O'Brian<<<

This reality is in sync with our our monthly theme in the process of being posted soon. Just remember one word, "ONE" all the time.

Love and Best Wishes.........Ram

--- On Fri, Nov 14, 2008, in msg265777, SĀ“ace G root wrote ---

dear Starr* / Constance / Ram ,

in the pivotale timespan we are crossing and this introDuction to Julie ...
it failed my memory if we are in a frequency parallel to the Full Moon Energy.
(referring to our 3 day groupwise pulsed love/intention/radiance experiment sessions)

Can anyone remember this agreement/intend or is this a happening that just now is of a serendipiTY-pi- cal charicature?

Anyhow it seems as if the synchronisation is simply perfecT ...

in Love & Affection S'ace
