Love Radiance Intention From: SĀ“ace G root
Date: Sunday, December 7, 2008
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Dear Bruce & Rita, hear Me-pNeuReeTah :: i agRee this sound very accepTable :: at Our Oval ~~~

"One, what is good for me and my self, and another one what is good for me and every one around me ."

Deep Down UnDear my Pelvis it echoeD a S'mileY :

"One that doesnot harm anyone around me including me, and anOther Similar One good enough at me"

JusT an Echo "Chi" from another distant shore ... ::***:: Thumb(K)ling inn S'ace

below the Local ; above the Global - schemes to aTTunify

How can this eras EinsteiN be understood at instance? "Teilhard Einstein BlavatskY"


Can anyone articulate a Question to that Creative Frictional Image?

simply find a plug-inn here