Circle Connections From: Ann Smith
Date: Monday, August 18, 2008
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Dear Circle Connections Members,

Thank you so much for being part of Circle Connections. We are honored by your presence and blessed by your membership.

And as life does, Circle Connections is evolving. We invite you to visit our (newly refreshed) website at and to meet Donna Roberts are new Associate Director.

If you have received this announcement through Living Directory, know that we are switching to LightPages as our two-way communications system. After all of our members have had time to transition to LightPages, you will no longer receive double broadcasts. Thank you for your patience as we go through this transition.

We want to encourage you to fill out your LightPages profile and to post your news and resources on Circle Connections LightPages.

The mission of Circle Connections is to help women connect to create a new earth, one circle, once connection, one step at a time. To live this out we are expanding beyond ‘Turtle Island’ (North America) to be in synch with and of service to the global women’s movement.

Circle Connections is instrumental in facilitating authentic connections, locally and globally by offering resources, events and services that foster the embodiment of the Circle Process and the empowerment of women. We have exciting programs, services and resources to offer you as well as our circle pins.

We can connect you to the Sophia Women’s World Conference and help you and your community get involved by hosting circle events.

We can bring Being Green to your community and train you to facilitate the program.

We can come and speak at your event, or help you host a Yinpowerment leadership program in your area.

We will help you Womanfest your dreams through our teleconference class.

We encourage you to join our monthly conference calls where we can get to know you better, support you and your dreams and share our collective wisdom and resources.


Ann Smith -- Rhonda Hull -- Donna Roberts