Sophia Alliance From: Barbara Carson
Date: Wednesday, September 24, 2008
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Dear Community,

This is a very sad day for all true Sophians.

If there were ANY doubts still lingering in our collective minds that we were imagining such un-Sophia- like actions as censorship to suppress information or to unfairly prejudice public opinion;

If there was any hope...that we were misinformed about acts of power, oppression and control being taken that are in direct contradiction to the beautiful values being published on our Sophia website -- we can now lay those doubts to rest for good.

Each of you who wrote to me with concerns...also expressed a desire to BELIEVE in this. You wanted to believe this was all a misunderstanding -- even though your eyes and instincts were telling you something different.

This is real. Sadly, suprisingly real. And I am sick over it.

I do not know what to say. What do YOU have to say?

Will you hear my question or message...probably not.

That IS the message, after all. Do you hear it?? Do you support it?

Barb Carson

PS Please log on to the "new forum" at Sophia Alliance and read responses there.