Sophia Alliance From: Sharon Mijares
Date: Thursday, September 25, 2008
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Dear Jeanne:

I can see that you are on a mission to find out who is with the “leaders” and who isn’t. I don’t agree with you that that “Sophia’s leadership is actually a pretty high intention.” The silence, secrecy, power plays and big money dealings all bespeak of strong (and negative) patriarchal forces. One can even see elements of the Bush regime’s way of doing things.

Every world religion has been coerced by these forces. The world has suffered greatly as the teachings of our masters and prophets were distorted. And now this same force has co-opted the original vision for Sophia.

I have spent many years freeing myself (as best as possible) from patriarchal ideologies and being open to the incoming feminine influences. So I guess this answers what you are seeking to know. I’m no longer part of this imitation Sophia, so will not be participating in discussions on the Sophia “Light” pages. Time and energy are precious and I would rather spend them on supporting the emergence of feminine rather than “more of the same” patriarchal BS that has brought our humanity to the brink of disaster. Sincerely, Sharon

Dear Sharon,

We've shared calls before (GTW and Sophia), so I feel I know you a bit... and I'm sorry not to write sooner. But it seems I've been a bit in shock about the communications at Sophia. I'm just "recovering" in some sense, because it can't get any worse, I think.

I'm in the midst of composing yet another letter for the forum (who knows if it will mean anything at all), but I realized I wanted to write to you specifically. What I see in Sophia's leadership is actually a pretty high intention. There is a decision (like Obama said families are off limits) not to make more of their process public because they don't wish to play the personal game. At the same time there is very little understanding of the need to make some kind of public statement. So Bruce and I have come between with LightPages. I'm trying to get us out of the way with this letter I'm composing.

What I wanted you to know is that there is already a long history of processing and mediation at Sophia. The decision to "divorce" is not mutual, but seemingly final. There is the sense that everyone should go ahead with their own projects and that there is a hope for convergence, but in the meantime the work of the event itself must take place.

As you'll see in my post, I think LightPages bears some of the responsibility for things getting so out of hand. I honestly don't know what steps to take at this point. I saw your post was a bit dispirited as well...

If you have any thoughts about what we could suggest to Sophia's leadership, please let me know. And thanks for holding the high intentions you do....

Blessings on us all, Jeanie