Sophia Alliance From: Ann Smith
Date: Monday, September 29, 2008
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Dear Ones who are concerned about the process for telling what happened in the breakup of the five founders.

Because of the threat of legal action against me, Linda and Penny in telling what went on to cause the breakup of the five founders, we are silenced. I/we must wake up to the reality that can not ignore that this public forum and others could be used against us. In all of my years of working in women's circles both at the UN, international, national and local events, I have never experienced being threatened by legal action. The treat of legal action takes our open forum conversations and need for more information as asked by many into a litigious arena of potential harm. I am wondering why women are demanding to know the details, details that could cause harm.

Below are the Circle Principles that were agreed upon by the founders from the very beginning. These will be used in the future and open for discussion to make changes for strengthening our process.

To me the process is far more important than words. The process is how we treat one another, how we create a sacred and safe setting for each one to be empowered. We can not empower others as you all know but we can provide an empowering setting, Circle. My circle work of action circles and how to start and sustain a circle was never empowered in the old setting. Why? I do not need for my work to be seen as the only work, but to be part of a global contribution. I know Indigenous people have held sacred circle as the means for empowerment of individuals and communities for thousands of years. I also know as part of the Millionth Circle Conveners that there are many organizations and small groups who have circle information and resources. I also know great work has and is being done around the world by forming small groups that are making a difference. Paul Hawkin's book, Blessed Unrest, along with many others are telling the good news.

The reason I love to work and have worked with grassroots women from around the world for thirty- five years, is that they are doing the great work. There are thousands and thousands of good news stories about successful work that Sophia2010 will illuminate and connect. The meetings we had this past week in New York City to form a circle structure for Sophia2010 was made up of outstanding international women, men and the youth. The youth have it all over us on how to reach out to the youth around the world. I could barely understand their technological tools of international communications that we will all benefit from. You will soon get to meet all of the members and see our structure that is made up of ten circles around the rim of a large circle with Sophia in the middle. This was our original design that was in our heads and hearts when we first came together in 2007.

I want to be judged not by hearsay but by your experiences with me/us. I taught assertiveness training and incorporated this discipline in six leadership programs that a collective of circle trainers produced for the Anglican Communion that reaches throughout the world. Our leadership programs by women for women were all highly successful throughout the world because the process worked. The Women of Vision program continues even though the department for women's ministries at the Episcopal Church USA is no longer allowed to do programs. The process of empowerment provided a safe and sacred space where everyone was equally valued and equally shared the resources, power, information, decision-making through consensus, and fun was always an important ingredient. We also didn't impose the US culture on other cultures but stated clearly that this is a basic recipe and for them to add their own spices. We also gave African women full credit for Open Space Technology, that came from how Africans organize around dreams and tasks. I have always said and will continue to say that I am open to receive feedback about my behavior using non-violent communications that is the same as assertiveness. I will not support aggressive or passive aggressive behavior and believe strongly this is behavior that has no place in women's circles, organizations and on the Journey to Bulgaria and Beyond. When someone breaks Circle agreements, they have chosen to leave.

One person speaks at a time using non-violent communications.
• Speak and listen from the heart.
• Encourage and welcome diverse points of view.
• Listen with discernment instead of judgment
• Share leadership and resources.
• Decide together how decisions will be made.
• Work toward consensus when possible.
• Offer experience instead of advice.
• When in doubt or need, pause and silently ask for guidance.
• Decide together what is to be held in confidence.
• Speak from your own experience and beliefs rather than speaking for others.

Ok to disagree, it is not Ok to undermine reputations or work. Those who choose to break the principles have chosen to leave Sophia 2010, Women and Wisdom.

Namaste!!! Ann