Sophia Alliance From: Judi Woods
Date: Thursday, October 16, 2008
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In response to Ann Moore,

Hello friends...

I have not left the circle, nor Sophia...I do not endorse many of the things I have observed, one being advising others to stay away from Sophia because of assumptions... another being name calling and not knowing all the facts...So I am still here, but have said my piece and honestly do not have the time , nor the desire to keep negative talk going...I think without intentionally trying to, this whole Sophia Alliance may have caused more concern and distrust surrounding the leadership than it is worth...I look at the "bigger picture" thru the lens of Hope and keep my eye on the prize...And will continue to trust the process...with the hope that the Highest Good for ALL will be achieved.

Love Judi Woods

--- On Thu, Oct 16, 2008, in msg265312, Ann Moore wrote ---

Dear Sharon,

Thank you for your emails, especially the last ones adding clarification to Karen and Tanya's posts. So many women have left in disgust and disappointment, not even bothering to say good-bye because they feel no one cares or is actually listening anyway. Comments from Bruce only underscore that feeling.

Yet -- many of us are still here, not wanting to leave the dream, AND not wanting to support a process that is not transparent and not in alignment. Thanks to those of you who are speaking about this, and my encouragement to others to please stay connected and consider speaking up. Your silence can be interpreted as endorsement, which I know is not accurate for many.

Your wisdom is needed for Sophia, as you can see. Otherwise the dream is becoming a tribute to power, patriarchy and hierarchy.

Holding hope,

