Sophia Alliance From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Saturday, October 18, 2008
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Thanks, Tanya.

My quick thought on this is -- this is a BIG world, with a lot of stuff going on. There are huge differences among people -- among cultures, assumptions, protocols, beliefs, convictions, ideas on the right way to do things -- even on the "God-ordained" way to do things...

So -- one of the things I think this means is -- if we all want to get along, and work together, and make something wonderful happen -- which I am totally convinced we can -- it's probably going to be true that everybody is going to have to give a little -- just let go of their ideas on THE right way to do things -- and just kind of say something like -- "I DO want to work with these people."

I want to make contact with them. I want to get to know them. They, too, are humans, like me -- in flesh, with strengths, weaknesses, hopes, fears, abilities and skills, areas where they are not too expert...

This "two wolf story" reminds me a little bit of "Appreciative Inquiry". Let's look at "what works". Let's look at the great dream that brought us together. Let's open the doors to some forgiveness, to some kindness, to some acceptance of human weakness. Let's recognize that there is something great going on -- and "feed" that great project.....

Sooo -- if we could feel our way into this, and just pour some kindness into the center of the circle, and just say -- hey, it's ok, I want to be here, I want to make this work -- this dream is important -- let's figure this out -- let's listen to each other, let's agree that everybody is important -- if we do those things -- the energy in this group can drive a brilliant creative process, and we will all love it, and be grateful that we are a part of it....

- Bruce

--- On Fri, Oct 17, 2008, in msg265354, Tanya Gordon wrote ---

Dear Bruce...

This is a very important principle. I'm encouraged to know you, (and others?) are thinking on this.

If there is willingness to move beyond (and stop feeding) the 'envy, arrogance, superiority, false pride and ego we have witnessed, and replace it with kindness, compassion, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith (and start feeding that), we would begin to BE the change we are looking for in Sophia and the world.



"The best way to succeed in life is to act on the advice we give to others." ~Author Unknown
