Sophia Alliance From: Sharon Mijares
Date: Saturday, October 25, 2008
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Dear friends and all those who hold a vision for Sophia:

One of my waking thoughts this morning could be helpful in healing some of the core issues that have caused so much pain and loss.

I think all of us "get it" that there were disagreements and they seemed unresolvable. It also appears that decisions were made in a way that followed a patriarchal model, rather than a community, feminine- based one. I have some thoughts about healing this core disruption to the vision.

If each of the five could simply state what you were for and what you were against (no need to post reasons or anything about who said what) but simply begin to impartially describe what each was striving to get across in a few sentences.

The only reason I can see for not sharing this would be some sort of shame (or an inability or desire to share power--a feminine model). In our souls we know what is right and what is wrong. If we're going against something we say we believe in, then we might be holding shame (consciously or unconsciously).

We can create something fine, something with true "substance," if we work together to heal whatever took place at the core.

In my last book, we described the early Iroquois indians. Some historians believe that many of the democratic ideals and original organization of the U.S. government (decisions not made by one group) was based on the way the Iroquois allowed for dialogue and decision-making between the five (Iroquois) nations. Everyone was involved in some way, and this included the women as wisdom holders.

As the Buddhists pray, "May this be for the benefit of all beings."

Warmly, Sharon