Water Convergence From: Akasa WolfSong
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2010
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Dearest Shalahnia,

  A million Thank You's for this life-changing share!!!!    I am forever changed by this extraordinary 
information.  My mind and heart are awhirl with all of the possibilities for change as a result of this 
information, and I think we here at Water Convergence can do so much right from our own fires to 
bring about a huge shift in relationship to waters and lands everywhere.  What I find more interesting as 
I peruse these possibilities is that if one participated in the Conscious Convergence and planted the 
seeds of The Tree of Life, then one can water those seeds with these possibilities that we have just 
witnessed in this film.  Can you imagine the import of that?  It blows my mind!  LOLOL!   All I can say is 
WOW!!!!!!  I want to find a map and begin to send blessings to each tributary, stream, river, creek, 
spring, sea, pond, aquifier, and oceans...I want to be methodical with it...and persistent!

  Sending You Much Love and Many Blessings for this incredibly powerful share!
  Grandmother Akasa

--- On Mon, Jul 19, 2010, in msg270464, 
Shalahnia K wrote ---

I am in the process of watching this 85 minute video that promises to be very informative.
chilling from a fully packed weekend.


