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From: Akasa W.
Date: Thursday, July 29, 2010, 8:57 AM
Subject: The Pacific Garbage Patch
ID: 270548

Greetings Water Keepers....

There is a stretch of ocean just 1,000 miles off the California coast where plastic outweighs zooplankton.

It's called the Pacific Garbage Patch, and this floating mass of plastic bags and garbage has grown to twice the size of Texas.

A bill pending in California would ban single-use plastic bags. Tell California leaders we want them to ban the bag and spark a national trend! »

The bags are piling up in landfills and they don't biodegrade. You see them everywhere! In trees, on the beach, at the park, and collecting in the ocean where wildlife mistake them for food.

This should be a no-brainer -- we have alternatives to single-use bags right now. We can ban them altogether, and California can lead the way!

Take action and urge California leaders to pass the nation's first statewide ban on single-use plastic bags »

We're all watching and rooting for California to get us on a path to ban the bag!

Thanks for making a difference!

Andrea W. ThePetitionSite

I think this is a must do in regards to Our Beloved Water....if you care to sign the petition just go to: http://www.care2.com

Hopefully it will take off worldwide!

With honor and respect, Akasa

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