Conscious Evolution - Santa Barbara From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Monday, November 5, 2018
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Dear People -- Dear Conscious Evolution --

On the day before this major election in the USA, it seems a good moment to mention an emerging project I am excited about.

Many of us have been looking for a breakthrough from the full breadth of "the shift" into a realistic and full-blooded new kind of political activism.  We have learned so much, seen so much, grown in this understanding for so many years -- yet our real-world political experience is still trapped in these oppressively myopic and perverted categories that are our political options today.

How many ways is our current political system sick?  Far too many to list, and I've built many such lists -- as have many others.

I've been looking for something new, or trying to develop something new, for many years -- including transpartisanship and Occupy.  I've built networks, databases, systems, considered sociocracy, etc. -- but I never quite found a format or framework that I felt could fully empower our collective transition into a new and enlightened world.

Are we waiting for an avatar, some dreadful level of collective terror caused by global warming or global economic collapse -- or what?  What can move us forward?  Was it always a dream anyway?

I recently heard about this group called "World Summit" -- and I've been exploring their famework.  They do explicitly understand and operate through many of the basic paradigms we have learned here in Santa Barbara, particularly through Conscious Evolution.  They use the "Wheel of Cocreation" -- particularly in its "United Earth" incarnation.

In the last couple of weeks, I got excited about this project and the vision I thought I could see through it.  Yes, I like what they are doing -- but if we focus it THIS way -- so went my vision -- this thing could explode with real-world significance.

So -- nestled into the context of their rather loose and flexible global growth -- I've built a framework that is starting to look to me amazingly potetent.

Yes, it "runs on the Wheel" -- but maybe not quite as we used to understand that idea.  Seen this way, the Wheel is just a flexible "taxonomy" for a whole-systems world.  It could look a lot of different ways, true -- but don't fight that.  It's like the Dewey Decimal System in a library.   It gives you a cleanly-defined place to put stuff.  Just come an agreement, get it stable, and keep moving.  This thing can hold a lot of stuff -- and it's all interconnected through one integral framework, with everything held in relationship.  That is a big deal.

So I wanted to show you this project.  It's absoutely brand new and barely born.  A lot of it is under construction.  But the core vision is coming together.

Collective decisions in the "more beautiful world our hearts know is possible" should be made through informed resonant negotiation in the context of the whole.  That's the right way to do things at every level of human experience -- from the family kitchen table to the city council meeting to the State House to the National Congress....

So the World Summit people say -- we don't need "permission" to do this.  We just need to do it.

And I am doing it -- buiding something that can contain this process -- at every level -- maybe organized as a cascade of holons, who knows.  This is workable, it is simple basic network engineering, and it's do-able.

A lot to talk about here -- but here's a screen shot from five minutes ago.  Take a look, and think about signing up....