Global Resonance Network From: Jonathan Stemer
Date: Tuesday, January 22, 2008
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Namaste all-in-ONE,

It is just past 10:00pm (PST) here in Eugene, OR on this cold and silent winter night...Outside sitting in the nighttime sky is a beautiful, brilliant and luminescent full moon.

As I look outside the window and see this symbol of the Goddess and the Sacred Feminine reflecting back through my eyes the light of the Sun/ Son, I am awestruck by the wonder of it all...

I consider how many times in this lifetime that I have taken for granted the magnificence of the moon as it waxes and wanes through its lunar cycle effecting the tides in the ocean and the impact She has on the consciousness of humanity...

Perhaps it is because I am a " lunatic " that I believe in the myth of the " full moon " causing the " werewolf " in many of us to come out at night...Does the Mother Goddess really have that much power over us? Ultimately, the Self is unaffected by Her Charms and Seductions, but to deny Her rightful place in this Divine Play would be to be missing such an important side of the duality that makes up our wholeness...

Well, what does all this have to do with Global Resonance? I'm not completely sure, but will attempt to bring it all together.

As I stare at this Sacred Orb in the nighttime sky, I also realize that on the other side of this planet we call our home, the Sun/Son is influencing with its daylight...I will have to wait until morning to greet the solar aspect of deity and the influence of the Sacred Masculine...tonight I celebrate the Moon Goddess in all Her glory.

Suddenly the Chinese Wisdom of the Yin/Yang makes complete sense and this little tiny speck of the earth which I inhabit in this tiny corner of our universe becomes an integral aspect of this One Magnificent Creation...every single aspect of creation including each one of our lives takes on a whole new meaning...

We truly are interconnected...we truly are ONE...we truly are the Sun and the Moon, the Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine united together in the (w)holy matrimony of the sacred alchemical marriage...we truly are all of LIFE with its continuous ebbs and flows...we truly are a collective field of Living One Vibrational Energy within a vast ever expanding and evolving resonant field of radiant Love, Wisdom and Power...

If this was inspired by simply gazing at the Moon Goddess for just a few minutes tonight here in my little corner of the universe, imagine what She can inspire as we all realize that each of our little corners are connected to each other united in a Beautiful Tapestry of Oneness.

Good night to everyONE and wherever you may find yourself in this moment know that you do make a difference...
