Global Resonance Network From: Constance Hall-Orman
Date: Monday, May 12, 2008
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Greetings to All!

Bruce asks: What I would like to hear about is –

Are you in a circle?

What is your circle about? Tell us all about it...

Does your circle follow principles and practices? Do you have an "agreement"?

Does your circle have a "center"? Tell us about the center...

Constance: This is an experience, as it's happening…

Are you in a circle?

I am in a circle; I am in a radius of interconnectivity to all beings and all things, at all time. The circle is I and I am the circle. Extending to one point, and returning back to the center of the circle. I am never separate in this circle, I am within the circle of the human race, and the human race is the circle in me.

What is your circle about?

It’s about becoming the real being. It’s about seeing all points of the infinite and finite in me, and how through me all will become, as it should be. It’s about being liberated from all points of reference and being present in the now to serve as a presence in the outer reality in every moment, with little or no consequence for self, for self is serving the need in every moment in the present awareness.

Does your circle follow principles and practices? Do you have an "agreement"?

Yes, following principles and practices, is the same as following your inner Truth. This is not a truth defined by another, but the Truth that you know that is in you. The agreement is to live this inner Truth in outer manifestation, to make your inner Truth real.

Does your circle have a "center"? Tell us about the center...

Yes, the center is I, and it extends outwardly in all directions at all time, connecting and interconnecting with the whole of the universe. We are the entire core center. We are all the center of the circle, and it is always extending beyond our point of being in the center.

Bruce and Jeanie, Thank you both, for providing the opportunity to bring circles into clarity and perspective for each participant of any circle…happening;-).


--- On Mon, May 12, 2008, in msg263479, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Good morning -- from foggy wet Santa Barbara --

Just a quick question...

All this "theoretical vision and philosophy" that I am so fond of -- can be a little confusing, and maybe not quite to the point. For me, a lot of this is a creative voyage exploring:

  • How group spirituality becomes authenticated and real and truly shared among members of the group
  • How this group spirituality can affect social change and "politics"

Those are huge issues -- involving everything we know about "private personal spirituality" -- but involving a significant and revolutionary move forward, into new territory that is critical for what is emerging today.

The most recent entry on the Standing Women web site, as I checked it this morning (Standing Women coordinated 623 events on Mother's Day through LightPages) says this:

I see us all converging as one universal voice and the power of that is amazing and awe inspiring. I know I will feel it just like I did last year. I would not miss this opportunity for the world! To love is the way the world will mend.

Converging as one universal voice. THAT is what we are talking about -- and what I have been seeing as coordinated and facilitated all over the world through circles....

But -- instead of talking theory and vision and potential -- let me just ask you all:


I think Starr* has been working with circles.

Jonathan, I think, has been working with circles.

Ram works through circles, I believe...

What I would like to hear about is --

  • Are you in a circle?
  • What is your circle about? Tell us all about it...
  • Does your circle follow principles and practices? Do you have an "agreement"?
  • Does your circle have a "center"? Tell us about the center...

Jeanie and I are exploring how to find and interconnect circles. If you are in a circle -- tell us about it -- right here...

Just opening up this kind of connection -- can take us "beyond theory" and into direct connectivity. That could be very exciting.

"I'll tell you about mine if you'll tell me about yours...."

- b

--- On Sun, May 11, 2008, in msg263469, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Dear Bruce ---- THANK YOU for putting up the youtube video - and it is GREAT that we can do that here. In fact it hadn't occured to me to do that and I didn't really know how although I know other members do know the language of doing it --- I will copy what you did and give it a try.

I guess my vision was about creating them here rather than having to put them on youtube and then making them interactive. Like right now I can upload a picture and soon people can upload little videos that get converted to be on the site.

Like I would love to have people take little videos of their Guiding Circles and put them up here on our site. Imagine thousands of visuals of people working in Guiding Circles all together on GRN and explaining how they are working as part of the Whole. You see the picture (still) of the group in an integral interactive collage and push the button and it talks and moves. They could all be one minute.

Anyway that would be so huge --- and maybe it isn't part of the technology at present - but certainly worth thinking about ---- we can dream it into existence together.

Living Love, Starr*

