Global Resonance Network From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Friday, July 18, 2008
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Just got this link from Hillary -- I watched the whole thing from up here in Squamish....

This is a major speech by Al Gore -- on what we need to do now.

A lot of points -- but the ones that seem most critical to us, in this "resonance" context -- are

  • The need to re-vamp the way we understand politics. We need holistic solutions, not patchwork solutions.
  • We need resonant relationships between political leaders -- and, indeed, among all people in society, as much as possible, and certainly among those who wish to be influential.

    I do feel a powerful calling, pulling us towards this new understanding. Gore reviews many aspects of this. Could it happen as fast as he is suggesting it must? Maybe yes....

    All these factors at once -- and we must respond to them all at once -- somehow --

    We are going to learn how, because we must learn how...

    ---- On Sat, Jul 12, 2008, Ram Varma wrote ---

    Thanks Bruce for sharing the "togetherness" in the spirit as depicted by Sen Barak Obama and his charming wife in their great photograph of oneness. What a simple, authentic and embracing vibrational energy! With an open appreciating heart one cannot help but be touched by it. And if this touch is not angelic, it for sure, is far beyond any artificial barriers of mind and intellect.

    May this unity/togetherness be embraced all over the universe by all of us! What a change from a long drawn out dry environment!!! I feel we are ready for such a change. Are you?

    Love to All.......Ram

    ---- On Sat, Jul 12, 2008, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

