Global Resonance Network From: Wolfgang Fischer
Date: Sunday, July 20, 2008
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Why should I love my neighbour?


If the stars in the heavens were not there, we could not exist. Nature is an interconnected Universe

(Milo Wolff in: Schrödinger's Universe, Einstein, Waves & the Origin of the Natural Laws, Technotran Press, 2008)

Towards answers to the question: Why should I love my neighbor? allow me to share in short my experience, analysis, conclusion and vision.(from a simultaneous e-mail dialogue with friends from India)

I would say that all human babies are being born equally with an innate set of predispositions (Anlagen) which would allow development of wisdom and generally caring attitudes within a broad diversity of talents. History proves that at any time people had been able to develop responsible and caring behaviour patterns. Unfortunately in contrast to plant and animal kingdom there neither is genetic determination nor instinctive security "automatically / compulsorily" provided for humanity. Human beings are free to decide. At any time we are free to fail or to find out the Truth.

The fact that by nature human beings have options which by volition can be chosen with inevitable respective results or consequences which are to fuel the human learning process and keep us on a creative path of life in my opinion is something different to freedom which in fact is given by respective man-made social environments. This "freedom" in fact may have many faces. Here is where disorientation may start. And we know from history as well as from present how harmful that can be.

The genuine learning process leads to a notion of freedom in which people deliberately try to choose only those options which will entail creative consequences within an overall frame. Such an awareness we may name genuine wisdom.

We are to learn by experience how to create mental frames (cultures/religions/ geistiger Überbau) which by tradition would allow and foster a life long learning process. Signification of this learning process is to always flexibly optimize respective ways of life in order to reach and maintain a general well-being (Dasein). For the benefit of this destination individual as well as social competition from local spheres to planetary relevant dimensions finally is to develop joint collaboration and mutual support.

The possibility to make this vision come true depends on a positive answer to the question: are we the people willing, ready, open-minded enough to believe in this option and destiny of justice and fair balance?

There always had been people, societies who just for the benefit of good life had accepted the inevitable necessity of that common vision. However, as we easily can see there always have been and are people who obviously behave in kind of derailed ways by making the mistake to overestimate themselves and "their" systems, i.e. their social organisation plus the respective mental frames. The cardinal error often is to place ideology and respective dogma over AUTHENTICITY & REALITY. The result of such errors always was and will be imbalance, injustice, inclination towards destruction.

Likewise to Milo Wolff’s explanations in his book on why the majority of the scientific community probably will reject the Wave Structure of Matter reality as they are perfectly (hypnotically) accustomed to the notion of "illusionary particles" - the reality of one humanity with one undivided human/divine identity which urgently is needed in order to safeguard the achievements of evolution still widely is being ignored even by those who due to their instilled blindness pretend to speak in the name of God.

Those who believe differently only can try to live their conviction, can communicate on their vision and hope especially in these times of disorientation and decay when ethics widely is being used to allegedly justify the Wars on Terrorism in the name of humanism while in reality Full Spectrum Dominance and Monetary Profit for a few are the actual destination at the expense of Genuine Life.