Global Resonance Network From: anne Akers
Date: Monday, July 21, 2008
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Bravo Bruce,you are correct about our best intentions and can be reassured that when working within the circle of stones that most of us were hoping to send any energy surge to our mother. We live in a coal mining region and also sugar cane crops with copious amounts of hebicide and pesticide. I hear and feel my Mother groan and cry for her. We "let the Circle rest" because we did not understand fully the energy we were working with. The validations on the day showed us a glimpse of untapped source.

Our elders have sadly lost much knowledge through assimilation with modern society. We are planning a trip into "The Kimberleys", Western Australia next year to seek further council. We will keep everyone updated as this journey unfolds. There is so much to learn-remember and until such time, "we leave this stone circle to rest".Anne Akers.Ph.D