Global Resonance Network From: Constance Hall-Orman
Date: Saturday, August 9, 2008
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Hello Jonathan and Bonnie, and All!

There is this something that popped up in my mind ... 8 8 8 I suppose, and it seems we are feeling it ... the "strain". I so get that, as we are voicing it, and as Bruce is dealing with it on the Net. Now interesting that the SQL attack, Bruce had first reported was coming out of China ... hmm, gives us reason to ponder. Then yesterday was a very interesting day, as some in the inner world said a portal was opening and the Christ Consciousness is flowing in ... into us. In a posting, 'Tobias' said that the opening ceremony for the Olympic games was going to be 'something' to remember. He said that there is all this focus on China, a place that has been separate ... as Jonathan had also mentioned in Connection and Community. If you were able to catch even a glimpse of the opening ceremony ... I know you will agree what 'words' can express the beauty of the living art that was displayed ... breathing light in dance, story, and epic moments in history. Now we will never be the same ... when you walk into the light, you see the light in everything ... even in the dark. As Starr* said, the dark is transformed in the light.

The strain that Bonnie mentions I believe are the "tests" related to us as the individual/human/soul/spirit evolving, and it seems the closer we are in attaining and sustaining the Christ Consciousness/The Light, the greater the test. If you think about it ... when in history has a global family been so connected to each other, and I mean all the other groups/forums/chats/dialogues/organizations creating mass interconnection, building global community. So our test would be greater, for our achievement of the human global soul family is rising. So yes, what Starr* mentions as the dark being attracted to the light, will come at even greater impact ... a means at preventing the New to be fully realized on Earth. And what is the darks most powerful energy, but fear. Fear is the darks message ... and whatever form this fear comes into our lives, we must infuse the fear with light. We can welcome fear with love, bring fear in and help it with understanding and acceptance ... let fear finally become your friend and don't be afraid of that fear ... and let fear become the light too!

Our support of each other as a global communal family cannot be broken ... as we have most likely been in support of each other for many lifetimes. We elected to come to Earth, we decided we were going to be part of the mass global consciousness and to help the process of the Living Soul on Earth. Our work is so important, even if from another perspective we are just "spiritual people" posting on a forum. A little chuckle, as we are the pure energy force of love and light, which has the greatest healing and balancing formula to bridge Heaven to Earth. So if we loose the Internet connection, our connection to each other has already been transfered to our method of connecting telepathically ... which has been happening naturally, and is getting stronger by our interconnection here. We are growing/evolving/unfolding each day with each other.

To me the natural step forward today, as the new portal has opened, and that the Christ Consciousness is flowing in ... Is, it's ok to walk it ... talk it ... share it ... always in the way that is natural for you ... before perhaps it was taboo, you know ... the crucifixtion ... talk about a way to instill fear and hold down a message. Well, I'm sorry but it's 2008 a new millennium, and I'm not the girl of 2000 thousand years ago. And I have a true American Spirit ... however flawed ... I came into America this lifetime when revolution was happening ... from everywhere ... love was part of this revolution ... but again ... the powers at be ... beat it down. Ok, well you can't beat down a 44 year old spiritual female warrior of LOVE. Dang ... I didn't know I had it in me, but I'm ready to rock 'n roll this movement, and see it go as far as we can take ... all the way into the fifth kingdom. So I know it sounds bad ... maybe too American ... maybe too male energy, but the army of spiritual warrior's needs to take the world by light and love. Either way ... battle or no battle ... look around you ... opportunity is everywhere, and y*our Light & Love is needed there.

In*Connection and Community ... Thank You All for being part of the process and forging with your blood, sweat and tears the New! No one said it was going to be easy, but it is made easier knowing we are here supporting each other ... and our love can heal anything ... remember that!


--- On Fri, Aug 8, 2008, in msg263328, Bonnie Kelley wrote ---

JONATHAN.. hang in there sweet Being of life.. we are all feeling the "strain" but this too shall pass. We are here- holding the formation. Blessings, Bonnie Kelley

--- On Fri, Aug 8, 2008, in msg263320, Jonathan Stemer wrote ---

Namaste Bruce, Constance, Bonnie and everyONE,

Greetings from the Pacific Northwest in Eugene, OR where the sun is shining brightly and we are blessed with warmth during this month of August.

Firstly, Bruce thank you for your tireless efforts in continuing to maintain the foundation upon which we may come together and share with one another. Although I really have no idea what may be going on with the System, I feel confident that everything is working out as it needs too.

I'm grateful for this community and the connection that I feel to all of you...there seems to be an ebb and a flow to the posts and there are times when I definitely feel more inspired to write something...during the times when there isn't much to say, I appreciate being able to read other people's posts.

As far as where the energy comes from...the Source that we all intuitively know is everpresent at all times and inexhaustible...I have gone through the last few months wondering if I will ever feel connected to this Source has been like the ground laying fallow in winter before springtime comes. Even though the summertime in Eugene is a time when many people take advantage of the few months of sun that we are blessed with before the rains and the grey settles in, I have felt like I've been in winter...but then I realize that there is a rhythm to in every thing there is a season (or something like that)...what helps me during these times is to remember that we are all connected and like Constance has said part of a global we all have our ebbs and flows...and what a beautiful dance it is...the things that seem to help me feel connected again are time in nature, meditation and communing with silence/stillness, listening to music that helps my mind to slow down, simple mindfulness breathing...and sometimes it is the opposite where I need to let loose and express the rawness that is inside...

Bruce...I commend the simplicity of prayer and fasting...I definitely find myself eating more than I need too and am attached to certain pleasures that I haven't been willing to let go of at this time...regular exercise does help in keeping a sense of balance...and I agree that there are certain things that we must do or else the gates remain has been said the Path is a razor's edge...

I'm glad that we are connected and have created a space together where there is a palpable sense of shared resonance...with the Olympics beginning on this day 888 (8-8-2008) it is an opportunity to look past the illusion of separation and celebrate the interconnectedness and global unity and oneness that we all (who come to spend time right here) are aware of and integral aspects of bringing this awareness into the consciousness of the collective at this time.

Blessings to each and everyone of you,

jonathan (a brother on the Path)

