Global Resonance Network From: Jeanie DeRousseau
Date: Saturday, September 20, 2008
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Dear Bruce,

This is profound and beautiful. Interspirit IS the context in which and for which your voice is now being called forward.

I'm noticing that the strategy of these times may be to build ourselves the space/place/field in which to stand (like Interspirit), coalesce our field with those of all our like-minded, like-hearted friends (like Global Resonance), and keep on coalescing until the new field/culture encompasses and changes the world. (My Space has the idea of gathering huge numbers of "friends", but it forgot to add the quality of spaciousness/ the field of understanding/ the commitment to another way of Being.)

Thanks for grounding the spaciousness here, in LightPages, and throughout Interspirit...

Love, Jeanie

--- On Sat, Sep 20, 2008, in msg264669, Bruce Schuman wrote ---
