Global Resonance Network From: S´ace G root
Date: Tuesday, October 7, 2008
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thanks for those vibrations, bruce ...

the flag of 13 stripes and 52 stars ... gave me number 4 ...

4 steps of embracing the egofear into anOther Awakened Humanity & Planet2

evolution revolution egolution a-go-lude')


may the waves wave by themselves

') a Go Lude ") :{ as i experience parallel & synchrone to ... quoting Message from P'taah }:

So, the four steps to transforming the fear. The first is to 'own' it, to know that you create everything in your life. Own it all! Own the fear. Own the circumstances that, in a way, produce the fear. You create it all, and you create it from who and how you are. You create reality from thoughts and emotion combined, intertwined, this powerful electromagnetic energy of thought and emotion. It is yours and that is what creates the reality that you experience as life.

So until you can own it, until you can say, "I create it all and the fear is mine," you cannot change it. You are a victim. You are a victim of fear, a victim of circumstance, a victim of everything else, but you are powerless to change anything in that victim-hood. The moment you can stand tall and say, "I own it all! I own the fear. I own all of the creations in my life." then indeed you are in your power place. You are there accepting responsibility and you can change it.

The second is that you can only transform in the Now moment. What is past is past. It is gone and you will create your future from what you choose now. So 'Now', in a way, is your choice point.

The third step is that you can only transform fear whilst you are feeling it. Now this is important because if you are not feeling it then it is simply an intellectual exercise. And whilst the mind is very powerful, unless that electromagnetic energy of thought is entwined with the emotion, then there is no power to it. You cannot transform it. You must be feeling it. So it is very important that you are in the Now and paying attention to the feelings instead of pushing them away or pretending they do not exist.

And the fourth key is that you can only transform it by the absolute embracing of it. That is also quite difficult when you are used to pushing it away, hiding it under the carpet.

So, the four again. You can only transform fear by taking responsibility for the fear and for what you create from the fear. The second is you can only transform it in the Now moment. The third is you can only transform it while you are feeling it and the fourth is you can only transform the fear by the absolute embracement of it. So, how do you embrace the fear? Is that the next question, beloved? Q: Yes!

") How to spell "Lude" ; let us co*sider PreLude:

prelude –noun 1. a preliminary to an action, event, condition, or work of broader scope and higher importance. 2. any action, event, comment, etc. that precedes something else. 3. Music. a. a relatively short, independent instrumental composition, free in form and resembling an improvisation. b. a piece that precedes a more important movement. c. the overture to an opera. d. an independent piece, of moderate length, sometimes used as an introduction to a fugue. e. music opening a church service; an introductory voluntary. –verb (used with object) 4. to serve as a prelude or introduction to. 5. to introduce by a prelude. 6. to play as a prelude. –verb (used without object) 7. to serve as a prelude. 8. to give a prelude. 9. to play a prelude.


So, 3 says a PreLude is about music ... then what does the music invite ... us for?

The Lude!

After that we will have the PostLude ;-) simple ...