Global Resonance Network From: S´ace G root
Date: Saturday, November 8, 2008
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hi Starr*,

nice to give some thought in a dialogick feedbackloop ... Namasté S'ace

2 Questions, "recurrent" typical or "catching the reader in the dialogue modus" ...


1. Do we really want to have our Intuitive-Source-Self veiled and hidden from all in achieving a global political context?

Starr: I would say that instead, it is the foundation of a positive global society*singing in harmony as part of the Whole.
It is the beginning of politics beyond politics. Yes, die to the little self to live in the big Self.

S'ace: When the Intuitive-Source-Self is the innovator in Society & "Business" networks we probably hide it because it is the traders option to transform it to a thing like "money"/security for property reasons (& greed). In a society / community built-in with "fear" and "positions" the innovators get/got lost in psychological runs for/hiding power/selfloss?
How to address the politics beyond politics linguistical?
2 suggestions fresh from a mind: "Politicks" / "PoliteTrigs"

2. Interesting, that you aligned what I call the 'God/dess within' with patriarchal description - ?

S'ace: Getting a "solution in a match" out of a random set of two 7's that seemed my choice ... (when another one senses anOther solution out of the given terms i'ld be interested :-)
I add-on here the idea that patriarchal is just a "term" to identify "a dream" ... (a dream for what?)
It can as well be labelled as "matriarchal" or - more neutral - "parental" or "flexible educational" ...

Any Comments?

In Lak'ech :{ i am anOther Y'ourselves }: S'ace

--- On Sat, Nov 8, 2008, in msg265726, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

S'ace: thanks for the QueerPass ... Starr*, S'ace ~ non-fiction egolutionist produ'singing

It has been said, "in order to love others, you first must be able love yourself as part of Source". Do we really want to have our Intuitive-Source-Self veiled and hidden from all in achieving a global political context? I would say that instead, it is the foundation of a positive global society*singing in harmony as part of the Whole. It is the beginning of politics beyond politics. Yes, die to the little self to live in the big Self.

Interesting, that you aligned what I call the 'God/dess within' with patriarchal description - ?

Here's to an Integral Oneness that nourishes the gems and Spirit within it.

Living Love always - Starr*

--- On Sat, Nov 8, 2008, in msg265723, S´ace G root wrote ---

hi starr* et all illuminated at her Glance ;-)

a list of 7 sensitivities as:

What is meant by "Personal Sovereignty" is your Natural Right to Sovereign Freewill which all normal human beings are born with, and which includes several qualities;

1. INHERENT = existing as your essential constituent or characteristic.

2. INTRINSIC = your fundamental nature.

3. INBORN = possessed by you as an organism.

4. INGRAINED = worked deeply into your texture or fiber.

5. INSTINCTIVE = your natural capability or aptitude.

6. INTUITIVE = the act or faculty of your knowing without the use of rational processes: immediate cognition.

7. INALIENABLE = these qualities belong to you and cannot be transferred to another.

... are to me as a cryptogram to align them to the 6 Martin Buber roles as
Patriarch - Leader/Guide - Judge - King - Prophet - Priest
added with the 7th (including 8th & 9th) ... the Follower

5. Instinctive is as Moses: Leader/Guide

1. Inherent is as David: King / Queen

6. Intuitive is as the Priest or maybe Anti-Priest - the Politician at governance seat

2. Intrinsic is as the Patriarch , who is forming a new familyline ... dynasty

4. Ingrained is the Prophet - not visited by neighbours ; known at large distance

3. Inborn is the Judge free from prejudice & money paradises

7. Inalienable is the Follower who includes the 8th and 9th selves , resp. the inner child & the pivotal entrepreneur / the anarchist

In this timespan all roles are worthwhile to focus in monadic shell ...

The sacral seer is at 3rd eye perspective unveiling a mask (2nd sacral chak'ra) ~ (who hints?)


thanks for the QueerPass ... Starr*, S'ace ~ non-fiction egolutionist produ'singing

