Global Resonance Network From: S´ace G root
Date: Monday, December 15, 2008
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dear Bruce, i underline a piece here:

Is it totally naive to suppose -- that a kind of "peace-making network" could emerge from somewhere, and begin to draw all these intensely conflicting and accusatory forces into a single body of relationships -- where everyone with some stake or attitude or energy in the situation began to enter into a very sensitive and totally inclusive process of negotiation and mediation -- based on everything they know about humanity -- and everything everybody else knows about humanity...?

And there i see a phenomenon beyond that sage ...

picture ...

a sage-bundle ... (it proclaims)

another one is the description i read in a profound Integral document of Hugh & Amalia Kaye Martin ~ "the Fundamental Ken Wilber ~ ... that we can simply share here in our club:

Saint or Sage

"... These interior trancendental jouneys -- portrayed in brilliant manner by such exemplars as Saint John of the Cross, Ramanuja, Saint Teresa, Shinran, Saint Hildegard -- disclosed depths of the soul, and heights of reality, that altered the very nature of consciousness at large, and left the world profoundly altered in its very structure.

As the average. collective mode of consciousness evolved from mythic to mental (beginning around the sixth centure BCE), the most advanced mode evolved from subtle to causal, and the sage, more than the saint, embodied this growing tip of consciousness. Whereas the saint experienced divine interior luminosity, grace, love, and ecstasy, the sage experienced nothing. The sage, rather, was the first to push into the purely formless realm of sheer Emptiness, the causal of unmanifest absorption -- nirvana, the cloud of unknowing, apophatic, nirvikalpa samadhi, nirodh, cessation. But far from being a literal "nothing" or stark blankness, Emptiness is the creative ground of all that is (hence "causal) -- a vast Freedom anfd infinite Openness whose very discovery means Liberation from the world of form, suffering, sin, and samsara. ..."

"I" looks as T and it can be token as that when the vertical is the Attunement Channel as Open as Can be guided by 4 Quotes as principals: Radiance & Intention ::*:: Equality & Integrity ...

Co*mental digestions put forward by members can vibrate the common dialogue at Large ...

Namasté, S'ace