Global Resonance Network From: S´ace G root
Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008
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Good to have those Words & Sentences & Meanings in a Field of Practioners :: Merci Bien ToutAlors ;-)

it popped up a little notion on behalf of the Characters and their Positions ...

L is as the Learning One who follows the T-eacher ...

some label that one as a D-isciple

"L" is position 12 - the number of disciples (3 to 4 / 4 to 3)

"T" is position 20 in the full range of 26; or 7 in the range from N to Z ... [mark the similar shapes of N and Z]

"L" symbolizes "the Change" : a force of 90 degrees: a Quarter of the 360 as a Total (point)

so "M" & "N" are the numbers 13 in a Yin/Yang Constellation (A-M=Z-N=1-13) ...

see "M" as "MASTER" & "N"as "NAVIGATOR" or "NULL"

Ra-Ti-O-nal Weavin-G ~~~ namasté S'ace