Global Resonance Network From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Friday, December 26, 2008
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The last bullet point in the Earth Charter -- is a brilliant and succinct statement of what we are doing here...

"Recognize that peace is the wholeness created by right relationships with oneself, other persons, other cultures, other life, Earth, and the larger whole of which all are a part."

There is this amazing simultaneity in what we are doing here.  It's almost a stumbling block -- so many things come together as "one thing".  It's hard to talk about, it can be blinding.

"Peace" = "Spiritual Realization" = "Resonance" = "Oneness" = "Ascension Current" = "I AM THAT I AM" = "Namaste" = "We are all One" = "We are made in the likeness and image of God" = "Replication of the Divine Template at all levels" = "Absolute Center Everywhere"

More or less, seen in the right way...

But this phrase from the Earth Charter -- should be brought into high conscious presence.  There are just a few thought-forms that we need to bring to the front -- and keep them there, as everything grows around them.  This idea seems to be one of those..

"Recognize that peace is the wholeness created by right relationships with oneself, other persons, other cultures, other life, Earth, and the larger whole of which all are a part."

It's my feeling -- that this idea -- is one of the most powerful concepts in this emerging new paradigm/world.  But it can be hard to grasp, as we struggle with our tendency to want to place ideology before profound resonance and relationships.

We want to say, "I KNOW those guys are moral criminals!  We must shut them down hard!"

Well, of course -- there are crimes against the One, and until we are all perfected, we're going to have to work against them.

But the idea that is coming forward -- the idea that contains and radiates the power -- is that the correct and most potent approach -- involves surrendering ideology into the forcefield of resonance.

Why?  For many many reasons.  One -- is that personal human judgment is extremely fallible.  We have to be very well-informed indeed to understand the underlying causation of the major issues today.  It's probably safe to say that nobody understands it -- that all anyone can do -- is focus on some highly isolated sub-set -- and just as we rail against "the band-aid approach" to fixing holistic global problems -- we would be well-advised to take the humble approach, that recognizes the limitations of our capacities to judge the incredible interdependent complexity of causation, and our liability to error.

The way this looks to me is -- start off by coming together with others. Sure, hang on to your ideas and your perceptions and convictions and knowledge.  But let go of them, too.  If someone disagrees with you, or sees something differently -- listen to that person.  They, like you, are "the eyes of the One".  We need many eyes...

Today, we are collectively facing an enormous array of simultaneous problems. We are not going to fix them by perfecting our accusations and blame.   The correct approach -- is for people everywhere to come together in resonance -- in dialogue, in intimate trust -- and once that trust is strong, then turn and face the issues together, and work them out in that spirit of trust.

This is where the power is.  And, yes, it is not such an easy lesson, when the energy of blame rages so intensely.  But the way it seems to me, this is the price of entry into the divine currents, the true power of Oneness that can handle the 100,000 dimensional simultaneity of our problems today, radiating a single vibration of wholeness, healing, and correct proportion in all things, through all souls, and all human institutions.

Right relationship first.  From there, everything follows by natural grace and power.  This is the way the dreams are fulfilled...