Global Resonance Network/LightPages

Global Resonance Network From: Michael Ellis
Date: Friday, December 26, 2008
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Dear Eye

What you say is beautifully expressed . Indeed there is a marked change occurring on the Planet .And it may well be that America will lead the way In Buddhism, The middle way is where a balanced life brings a balance between spirituality and material seeing both as having equal parts to play in the harmonious life of the individual.

This conception is strangely enough found within the making of the American Constitution by Jefferson, Franklin and Washington. They used the conception of Deism where the perfection of divinity was balanced with the material in order to create a integral nation. These ideas they obtained not only from Knights Templar and the Freemasons but also from the Iroquois nations of the American Indians who at that time had already had an established federation of Indian States for 400 years before 1751.

Our current Western Society is based on Global Warfare, The Military Industrial Machine, and economic system based on the assumption that we have infinite resources . There is an inability to deal with enormous global pollution. All these facets of a humanity whichis gradually running out of time as a species is due to a voracious appetite for wealth and material possession at the expense of any cultivation of human values

The current global cultural belief sytem is based on materialism. From the day they are born to education in the schools and universities, people are led to believe that they live in a Newtonian materialistic universe. The tipping poinyt is indeeed upon us

Psychiatrist Timothy Fong at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute and Hospital, gives examples of the rash dysfunctional behaviors exhibited by more Americans as a recession undermines a lifestyle built on spending.

He says that In the coming months, mental health experts expect a rise in theft,depression, drug use, anxiety and even violence as consumers confront a harsh new reality and must live within diminished means. Professor Sir Michael Marmot produced ten social determinants of health for the World Health Organisation, which are:

1 Social and economic circumstances strongly effect health throughout life.

2 Stress harms health.

3 The effects of early development in the neo-natal period and infancy last a lifetime.

4 Social exclusion creates suffering and morbidity.

5 Stress in the workplace increases the risk of disease

6 Job security increases health, well-being and job satisfaction. Unemployment is deleterious to health.

7 Social support, friendship, good social relations and strong supportive networks improve health at home, work and in the community.

8 Addiction to drugs and alcohol is influenced by social determinants.

9 Nutrition is a key determinant of health.

10 Transport through the use of walking and exercise in a sustainable environment. At the moment ,almost unprecedented in US history , five of these markers are now apparent.

This means we in the Western World require a new manner of thinking and Healing if we are to survive in a sustainable fashion.

As it is millions are addicted to drugs such as prozac (All SSRI ntidepressants are addictive) and hardly anybody in the Westen World have the 3 or 4 helpings of fruit ,vegs and salads which enhance the immune system and decrease incidence of cancer

Indeed your~~ One Polite Demand for a Declaration of National Purpose~~

is an essential prescription on the road to Planetary Healing
