Global Resonance Network From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008
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from bluebutterly


 hope you can give to this world 1 square yard of peace

Now one can give nothing that they don't have in theirs hearts

If you speak about love and peace is because mouth express those beauty that their hearts are filled.

How you can reach inner peace,

1. Healing the breach between you and the environment, your Creator/High Self/ High Spirit/ Universe

2. Acceptance : accept the moment now, resistance = pain

3. Integration: Coherence in the things that you say, the things that you do, your beliefs

All in same direction, when you fractionate in pieces you lost the equilibrium, the unity, you lost the peace inside of you.

4. Pacification : slow down, release the accelerator , take time to analyze

5. Harmonization: with all around you , some people live in a battle in a war against all and every being around theirs.

We are one, and we are a mirror, give peace/love and you'll receive back peace/love

6.Consciousness: what things/people give to you peace?, if you break the peace what do you feel inside, think..every act must be leaded by love and peace

7. Abandonment in the arms of love, you are a sweet Child of God and there are a perfect plan for every one of us.

8.Overcome the past, don't feel regret, pain, suffer, heal all those issues with love and forgive, learn from mistakes

9.Living the now: live full the responsibility of TODAY, the present moment

10.Serenity fore to the future times

© Yaneth Chavarria P.2008

All rights reserved


Mary Comment by Mary on September 13, 2008 at 1:01am
~beautiful~ wonderful advice sweetie. I couldn't agree more..

Bruce Schuman Comment by Bruce Schuman just now
Delete Comment hi. this is really nice. maybe what we are doing -- is just weaving -- something very big -- everybody bring one square yard -- all different colors. it's beautiful that they are all different. yet they are all one. and love -- love is the stitches -- the sewing -- that some beautiful gentle person did, just to connect all these pieces into something so special, that connects everybody. i guess what we do when we post a little message -- is just a little bit of sewing...