Global Resonance Network From: Michael Ellis
Date: Sunday, December 28, 2008
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It is a very strange thing but we exist IMHO in mutiple universes. History is not linear. It goes back on itself and changes. One scenarion in one dimension or pallarel univerese is subtly different from the next one.WEcan remote view the future and the past and retrospectively heal the past through prayer which we do now, There is a famous doubleblind robust experiment on this.Multiple personalities in one person exhibit completely differeny physiological profiles. Anything can be healed through the mind. In one scenario there is adead planet-- Yet in another in a different dimension or pallerel world, the planet is still alive. There is however coherence in the universe, We all have a tendencyto evolve towards our true self and blue print. Souls gravitate also as groups and there are group minds.The Universe hasno intentiuon of seeing the Human Race destroy itself inthis dimension in THIS NOW.Like The butterfly effect ---(in chaos theory )we are all butterflies promoting not only transformation and critical mass change but also encouraging others to mutate. transform and evolve


--- On Sun, Dec 28, 2008, in msg266389, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Hi dear Wolfgang

"Our world - what WE make of it" - There is the Greater Plan - and our free will and choices do count.

I saw Zeitgeist some time ago and found it very informative at the time. In fact I wanted to mention it here to the friends so that they too may be aprised of some of the ideas presented. When we are anchored in Source Love there isn't much that can ruffle our feathers. I'll listen to the version you sent in - it can be useful for us to consider all kinds of info. Thanx.

Living Love, Starr*

--- On Sun, Dec 28, 2008, in msg266388, Wolfgang Fischer wrote ---

thank you all for your contributions

simultaneous flashes - contractions to give birth

pain - to let go habits and dear favorites

to finally create the space we dream of

with regard to the ZEITGEIST movie (1:56)

I need to say: Theories of Conspiracy yes or no – important finally is only the result:

Our world - what WE make of it

we have the Freedom of Choice to make it different, even better if we decide for empathy, for mindfulness, for love

the movie Freedom of Choice (1:04) is dedicated to Life itself – and to over 3 billion people who must survive on less than $2 per day

- contemplation and meditation are major prerequisites towards a voluntary and global change for the better in human behavior

- the power to do so comes from inside of each of us

- it is there in every heart

- just make use of it

- love

Der Film Freiheit der Wahl ist dem Leben selbst gewidmet - sowie den 3 Milliarden Menschen, die mit weniger als 2 $ pro Tag überleben müssen

