Global Resonance Network From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Wednesday, December 31, 2008
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oh people

thank you for your messages, so much

i was going to do some work today. little lights are blinking, there are things to do. but -- this iPeace calls to me. you who are here -- you call to me...

or maybe -- it is a broader call -- just a simple -- cry out the world, to everywhere, to God...

so, i hear that call -- in my body. so, i have to be here right now, and try to say something, even though it won't be enough, and i will need to say it 1,000 times more...

what i just did -- was go through every comment here -- i think there are 39 now -- and read them all carefully. i watched a substantial video, on "beyond words", a poem by Suheir Hammad, that was suggested. i wrote down one sentence she said. "there is still love in us"

i could read all these messages again. i could write a detailed reply to every one of them. i could say thank you to every person who posted something here. who gave something of themselves, who brought a vision, an idea, some warmth, a soft touch, some plan or vision, some call for something to expand and grow. that would be a good meditation for me -- just do it again. do it five times, just read them all five times...

there is so much here in this network, this iPeace. so, i am feeling some tension, some sorrow, some agony, some sense of mere human incapacity, some sense of the numbing force of steel wheels -- and the softness of our mere words, like flower petals, to slow those forces...

i read something a night or two ago, from a passionate and capable activist -- who was asking "what is the point?" why -- do we gather here -- and say these sweet things to one another -- preaching to the choir, as it were... he was asking what we can do, and saying -- that if we do nothing, he will have to move on...

i understand that. i could feel that too. what is the point -- of simply piling up the rose petals...

but all day -- this same thought keeps rising in me. it's always the same. it's like the grass. it grows, it just keeps growing...

this thought -- i could say this 1,000 ways, and they would all be inadequate -- but the point is: we DO know the answer. we do.

people. we do know the answer. we have it in us. we have said it 1,000 times -- 100,000 times -- right here in this network...

so, i can't help but feel -- that there really is only one thing to do -- despite the softness of our dreams, the vulnerability we all feel, the ache that rises in us -- we -- must -- do what we know is true...

that is the only answer. that's what we have to do...

so, that is why we are here. that is why we write all these messages, and click all these clicks.

something is forming here. it's like a cloud, just gathering. yes, it is soft. it's vulnerable. it's naive and silly. but it's there -- and it's fertile, and creative, and nurturing, and safe -- and it amplifies human genius...

the lady said it in her poem beyond words. there is still love in us. that love --

that love -- is an infinite power -- that interconnects everything. it is everywhere. that love -- is the answer we all know inside ourselves. it is the message we have been pouring into this network, from every city and nation around the world.

something in me -- is pushing -- for a way to bring this energy into focus. i know there is brilliance everywhere. i know there are answers, and genius insights, and the sweetest and most beautiful love. i want to say -- let's do something

and then i say to myself -- bruce, just listen... watch, read, wait, listen... read these messages again. thank these people in person, one at a time...

i want to stamp my foot, and demand forward progress. i want to say -- we can do this! i want to say -- there are enormous resources at our fingertips. there is -- unprecedented creativity ahead of us. we are not only -- praying to cure the world of its violence. we are praying -- to launch a new civilization, based on wisdom...

i want to say -- that i live -- to help that civilization be born. i want to say -- that i cannot bear this not to happen.

but i also know -- that i must listen. i know -- that this -- is not something i can do alone...

there is in me a kind of fury of lightning -- that demands this forward energy. and there is a quietness, that says -- be peaceful and receive...

so, i think what i will do -- is go back to some of these little blinking lights, and do a little work here. but i am feeling all of this, and i am so grateful to each of you very special people -- with your dreams, your skills, your expertise, your years of goodness, that you bring into this place. this gift you bring -- is a treasure -- for all of us. this hope you bring -- is, for me -- vibrantly alive. it is thrillingly alive.