Global Resonance Network From: Jane Apostolos
Date: Monday, April 19, 2010
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Greetings and Namaste Joanne and OmniVerses!

I am simply thrilled for you Joanna, as well you friend! How exciting! Maybe I could get you to autograph a copy for me??

I am excited to look "within" the pages of your new book~

Love and Goodwill to all, All ways... Jane

--- On Sun, Apr 18, 2010, in msg269967, Jeanie DeRousseau wrote ---

Dear Joann,

Big congratulations! I will definitely search out your book at my local Barnes and Noble... and it makes me smile to think of your "collection" of truth moving out another way.

And also big gratitude...

I like to think that the flourescence of conversation on Global Resonance's LightPages, Bruce's mighty collection of writings, your sweet flow of quotations and wisdom from so many centuries of writing, all of us sharing our deepest understandings ... has indeed set up a resonance for us holding us firmly to our many paths toward the One.

Much love, Jeanie

--- On Sun, Apr 18, 2010, in msg269965, Joann Kite wrote ---

Hi everyone

I thought some of you might be interested in a new book that my friend Pattimari and I have written: happiness/10293117

For those not interested, I apologize for any inconveniencce.

Have a great day in the One!


