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From: Criss R.
Date: Wednesday, June 28, 2006, 9:36 PM
Subject: Networking
ID: 253162

Hello Sisters of Gather the Women,

This past April, Lynn Jericho mentioned using this matrix as a network to share what we are doing. I have been interested to read of the wondrous things with which many of you are involved in your day-to-day lives.

I'd like to let you know about the small business I began last year and the website I now have devoted to it. Please visit at

to see what I am doing now in my Crone years. I have been blessed in this life to work at things I love, with children and plants and now it is time to share the art I enjoy creating, which is nature-based, mostly watercolors.

I look forward to hearing from you and any ideas you want to share. If you know of anyone who enjoys writing and likes to use art notecards, please tell them of my website. Thank you.


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