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From: Karen F.
Date: Thursday, July 6, 2006, 3:35 AM
Subject: A Challenge - World Unity Campaign - Call to Women
Reply to: 255586
ID: 253196

Hi everyone,

The call for unity is a wonderful concept. Yes, it is a Baha'i 
principle (and I think the Baha'i Faith has great merit) but Baha'is 
are not alone in calling for this to happen. Many people are 
intelligent enough to realize that this is a way forwards for 
humanity. As for the equality of men and women, that too, is a 
wonderful goal and it is still one of those things we humans must 
aspire to. Many men and women of insight have called for this over 
the centuries. Andre has just given us some quotes as food for 

I believe it is high time the whole world changed direction and 
began to actively work towards the principle of "one people, one 
planet" - regardless of what nationality, faith or socio-economic 
strata they come from.

I think everyone should examine our civilization and all it has to 
offer, for themselves (and this includes the Baha'i Faith as well as 
any potential guidance which may come from many sources.) Please do 
your own research to see what suits you.

We can all sit still and bicker over our differences or we can come 
together, in harmony, to try and make positive change for the whole 
of mankind.
I believe this is what Andre was alluding to.

In my work I am trying to implement a simple, yet practical system 
where anyone, anywhere, can come together to evaluate the way 
humanity has lived and see whether we can find better methods to 
make life fairer for all.

I believe it is up to every individual to instigate new ideas and 
concepts which will help all of us to overcome hatred, poverty and a 
lack of human dignity, caused when the system we're using makes so 
many of us second class citizens.

My second book "AlterQuest - The Alternative Quest for Answers. 
(Subtitled) 'How we can Shape the Future and guide the destiny of 
our world' will be published within a month. In it I ask everyone 
who reads it to examine the economic-based civilization we are 
currently using and see if there are better ways to help people to 
live. I offer workable solutions, many of which have already been 
used by communities all over the globe and I teach how to do even 
more problem-solving, by using lateral-thinking, independent 
research and Positive People Power. We will also be starting a 
Global network so really great ideas can be exchanged and utilized 
by communities all over the Earth.

I am already helping people in many countries, with the ideas I have 
gathered and I sincerely hope that it will be this coming together 
in unity, which will enable men, women and children to empower 
themselves to shape a new society and move forwards.

Let's not spend any more time disagreeing but rather find ways to 
work together and make our planet the great place it should be.

I hope you agree.


Karen Fiala.
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