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From: Nadine M.
Date: Thursday, July 6, 2006, 7:33 AM
Reply to: 255605
ID: 253202

clare - 
I dont' know you or star at all - but I really think you are over-
reacting here. I saw no "bashing" of any religion - I just saw 
someone pointing out the inner workings of a religion that many 
people might not be fully aware of or knowledgable about. and even 
though the Call drew upon many references - from my reading of it as 
a relative outsider, I clearly got that it is Bahai inspired and 
seemingly Bahai sponsered - so, I was glad to be informed that there 
is an underlying "do as we say, not as we do" current of truth that 
needs to be recognized by all of us.

Sadly in my personal exploration for a Spiritual path that speaks to 
my heart and my soul, I have found this to be true of almost every 
path I have explored so far, there always seems to be skeletons in 
the organizational closet - that doesn't make them all bad, nor all 
good, they are what they are ( inspired by the divine but led by 
humans) - there is no "bashing" in simply opening the closet doors 
to reveal said skeletons within. I would rather know than not know -
 and then make informed decisons or choices from there as to whether 
I can forgive or accept despite the skeletons, or if the skeletons 
are just too much. Perhaps you find more comfort in not knowing - 
but you can't criticize a forum for posting things you don't want to 

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