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From: Susmita B.
Date: Thursday, July 6, 2006, 8:54 AM
Subject: Truth Is Often Shocking & Lies Beyond Belief
ID: 253205


Just quickly I briefly scanned the Topic, didn't find anything on Andre's profile, except her posts on Global Charter of women. I commend Starr for her very reasoned, balanced and insightful observation, someone who has knowledge of the inner workings within Islamic faith and politics. We know from historical experience pretty much all religions have been hijacked by special interest power groups and people who claim to be the voice of the scriptures or prophets. People rarely explore historicalcircumstances of people who wrote/revised repeatedly these scriptures.

I am personally little skeptic of some people or group wanting to be the GLOBAL voice of the people or grassroot groups and particularly the use of the term CHARTER as in Earth Charter or Global Charter of Women. Chartering for what - the NWO? In fact I do not like Gather The Women renaming itself as Gather the Women Global matrix.

Unity is NOT about Uniformity or Conformity to certain "group" or "institutional" ideals. Often that is what excatly being pushed on in the name of "Unity in Diversity". Diversity has become a lip service and a convenient phrase than about creating peaceful dialogue among different cultures/viewpoints. I personally know grassroot groups being hijacked by outside influences. Ideological topics like "Church vs State", "communism vs capitalism" has sometimes been used to advance the interest of banking and money power. We as individuals need to be very very cautious and careful to keep our minds free. The time has come for us to stop proclaiming women as victims and powerless - and bring awareness to our innate courage, wisdom, intuition and authentic divine Goddessself. We can benefit each other by transcending our limited-image conditioning by changing one belief at a time and sharing our personal journey/experiences consciously.

Peace & Joy

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