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From: Starr* S.
Date: Thursday, July 6, 2006, 8:57 AM
Subject: A Challenge - World Unity Campaign - Call to Women
Reply to: 255606
ID: 253206

Hi karen and everyone - I thank you all very much for your in put to 
the discussion. 

I agree with the idea that working together can be the strength 
humanity needs to mold a better future. I do believe in "power to 
the people" as a remedy to counter over centralized power and its 

Supposedly humankind has now reached the age of maturity which calls for us to be responsible for our decisions, which implies utilizing wisdom and to be discerning in our choices. As long as we keep our intent and motives pure in all that we do with love in our hearts the best truth and way forward will show itself. Karen Fiala wrote: I believe it is up to every individual to instigate new ideas and concepts which will help all of us to overcome hatred, poverty and a lack of human dignity, caused when the system we're using makes so many of us second class citizens. My second book "AlterQuest - The Alternative Quest for Answers. (Subtitled) 'How we can Shape the Future and guide the destiny of our world' will be published within a month. In it I ask everyone who reads it to examine the economic-based civilization we are currently using and see if there are better ways to help people to live. I offer workable solutions, many of which have already been used by communities all over the globe and I teach how to do even more problem-solving, by using lateral-thinking, independent research and Positive People Power. We will also be starting a Global network so really great ideas can be exchanged and utilized by communities all over the Earth. I am already helping people in many countries, with the ideas I have gathered and I sincerely hope that it will be this coming together in unity, which will enable men, women and children to empower themselves to shape a new society and move forwards. Starr*: Karen, If you will I would very much appreciate hearing more about what you are doing, what some of those new ideas are, and how you are actually implementing them. Karen: Let's not spend any more time disagreeing but rather find ways to work together and make our planet the great place it should be. Starr*: Making the effort to consult and to inform one another IS WORKING TOGETHR - working together so as not to repeat the pitfalls of paradigms no longer useful. Let us here consider ourselves already unified in the intent of creating a better world, so as to appreciate contrabutions without pulling in ego involvement and preceiving 'disagreement'. If you want to build a world that is harmonious there needs to be a balance of the male and female principles and genders in the world as a basis imo - otherwise the imbalance will not allow a sustainable harmony. Therefore, it takes women to gain an understanding of this need, and the courage to work for it. One of the ways this is happening is that women are developing themselves and supporting each other to do the same. Most likely this is what drew all of this to GTW. If women as a whole remain weak, underdeveloped, financially deprived, and in secondary postitions they won't be strong enough to hold up their end of balance in the civilization. This is why Karen, I'm interested to hear more about what you are doing, as I feel sure it will be inspiring for the GTW members. Karen: I hope you agree. Starr*: There never was disagreement on my part, but rather a call for women to know what they are calling for when they make their stands, independently, and collectively. Living Love, Starr*

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