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From: Karen F.
Date: Friday, July 7, 2006, 4:26 PM
Subject: How to advertise the message of 'Call to Women.'
Reply to: 255637
ID: 253221

Hello everyone,

I believe we have a very useful way to get our message across and it is staring us in the face. There will be some big 'Gather the Women' conferences coming up shortly and it is imperative that each continent sends out press releases to all the media, telling of the conference and talking about Gather the Women and inviting others to join. You don't have to wait till the conferences occur, though, you can send out press releases about the website and any other information which the press may like. Do it for Mother's Day. Do it for Christmas (a time of peace and good will).. (You get the idea).

You should make a list and contact all the local media, international media, talkshow hosts and radio stations. Most PR firms say radio is a medium often overlooked by people when they do PR.

***You can also send Press releases out on and (one is for the USA and one is for the British media but other media outlets may read the PR and pick up on it.

***Also try Which is Associate Press.

Apart from that look at: for a list of many tv, radio and newsprint media sources.

Send the press releases to women's magazines, newspapers, journals, TV, radio, internet radio stations, new age publications etc.

Get the ball rolling. Women are the gentle sex. We want peace. We want equality. We want a better world for ourselves and our families and even for those we have never met.



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