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From: Starr* S.
Date: Saturday, July 8, 2006, 12:41 PM
Subject: Call to women
Reply to: 255649
ID: 253237

With Living Love from Starr* to Everyone

The recent postings have brought out what I consider to be two very important concepts of awareness as we work to move forward:

1. Recognizing and being prepared to use our inherent Gifts and Powers (God/ess within). Thanks Mary for introducing this most important awareness: "Now is the time, women of the world. We all know we have enormous spiritual power. We have felt it, seen it, we know it. It is familiar, it is amazing, and it is the only thing that will turn around the destruction happening now."

2. Using the fundamental tool of 'magnetic attraction' to resonate with one another so as to rise above models of 'force' to bring harmony and balance to the world.

The site from Susmitra (The Secret) talks about using 'attraction' to change reality instead of hard efforting. Unfortuantely The Secret is not available where I live in Australia yet...but the concept of magnetic attraction is what will power the new paradigm...and I do believe women will play an important role in ushering in this way of life.

Below are the lyrics I wrote for us that use these two conepts in a song entitled "We Are Female". It is up on the net for people to listen to or download at: The voice and music is our own Lina Eve (we met here on Gather The Women) and worked together to produce this. We will be releasing a more perfected version; but this one is good enough for you to listen to - it doesn't click in for the first six seconds on the Guitar version. We probably will be releasing the piano version. The lyrics are for all of us....and can be set to any kind of music that you feel like singing. I hope you will think about them as we begin to resonate with one another in creating a nurturing reality for planet earth.


We are Female
We are divine
Throughout the world we shine
Maybe veiled for awhile
Now we’re out in style
We are Female! We are divine!

We make our stance
For harmony and balance
Force can not win
We know our magnetic power within
So understand
We bring the Spirit to man
We can not fail
We are divine we are Female! We are divine.

Throughout the world we shine
maybe veiled for awhile
now we are out in style
we are female we are divine!

We may have forgotten who we are
Now we remember our guiding star
We are divine
We’ve left the veil behind
No sacrificial martyrdom
We are Sophia, we are wisdom
We are Female! We are divine!

Throughout the world we shine
maybe veiled for awhile
now we are out in style,
we are female we are divine!


We are Female, we are divine
Throughout the world we shine
Hand in hand with man
Those who understand
Male and Female, we are divine

We are divine, we are divineee

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