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From: Bruce S.
Date: Saturday, July 8, 2006, 7:33 PM
Subject: Action Circles
Reply to: 255668
ID: 253254

Just a quick note.

Thanks, Mary Sarah, for your presence here, and your service. And thanks for showing up on the Global Resonance Network (

I also want to say hi to Clare, who sent me a private note. Clare, I will reply, and thanks. And hi also to Starr, who I know from several other projects.

This call to action -- and to "circles" -- is vibrating very strongly within me right now. Over the past month, I built another interspirit network, like this one, called "Network of Circles", intended to support everything you are talking about in this message, Mary Sarah, and everything I guessed that Ann Smith wants to do, and everything everybody in Victoria might have been talking about (as yet, I have heard no report on Victoria).

So, in the spirit of action here, I expect to outline for this group a proposal to unfold this "network of circles" concept, in every way possible. There's a lot to say about this -- it can be sophisticated, and it can be simple. And it can support direct action, and work for people who are barely if at all on the internet.

Circles. Circles everywhere. Circles in resonant entrainment. This is the key. This is the message from Jean Shinoda Bolen, and her "Millionth Circle" project. And resonance -- is the core energy, interconnecting participants at the horizontal level, in intimate personal relationship, and connecting everyone in the circle through the vertical to the core energies of the universe. This is the divine mystery revealed in the circle process.

And Marianne Williamson understands this very well, and everything she says in her "Sacred Circles 2005" talk at the National Cathedral unfolds the particulars and implications of this truth.

I would like to work with everyone here, in this GTW network, to build a network of resonant circles around this planet.

I can see it. Can you imagine -- if we could get 300 women, just like the 300+ women who are currently subscribed to this forum (and we have 3500+ in the total GTW network), each one putting in just a little time every day into building the resonant network. Everybody in a big international circle, relating to each other through resonance. And each one building something locally, and each one doing a little work on the internet -- finding somebody, making a connection, hooking up a little piece here or there.

Year ago, we used the phrase "Netweaver". That's what we need. A big beautiful network of loving and inspired netweavers, just giving a little bit every day, as part of their service to life.

We would have no trouble organizing this. We can do it almost immediately. We don't need technology, and we don't need money. We've got what we need right now. All we need to do is show up and start going for it. If you can make it to this network process, and read this message, you have what it takes to be part of an international tapestry of Netweavers.

Please think about it. Just a tiny increment at the local level, whenever the grace moving through you calls you to act. Steady, even, a little bit every day. In a short period of time, we could blanket the earth with resonant integration and the deepest truths of our souls.

We know how to do this. And what we don't know, our teachers will show us.

I am going to go through the Marianne Williamson speech a few more times, and see if I can get accurate and detailed notes on the wonderful message she presents. What she says there, I think we can all represent. It is a powerful message of transformative love, meant to impact every level of society. I think it's time to do this.

PS, Mary Sarah: Marianne Williamson talks about the Crucifixion in her speech, and strongly affirms that this initiation is part of the path we must all follow if we are to serve these ideals. There's a lot to say on this point.

------ On 7/8/06, Mary Sarah Agliotta wrote ------

Andre (and all other love lights),

Thank you for introducing yourself. I feel your gentleness and sincerity. Your devotion and urgency which comes from real life issues, real struggles and the witnessing of human pain. I honor you and thank you for being a part of this work.

Some thoughts on the seedlings of a "plan." Ann Smith, one of our other Regional Coordinators and I had a conference the other day about "Action Circles." These are the circles which are initiated after introductory gatherings. These circles are created by finding "pockets of passion within the group," and are generated by asking individuals who have gathered what their passions are. What do they do in their life that brings them joy and inspiration? What do they want to create? Who would they like to see gathered? What wonderwomen would love to have their power witnessed and tapped?

For example, Recently, I was contacted by someone from another country who is working with youth and AIDS and wanted my input, possibly even, to come and "gather the women/young girls there," in an attempt to address their emotional needs. (An action circle)

Another beautiful collaborator with GTW asked me to join her on the launching of a new project which housed very similar interests as mine. (An action circle)

As a matter of fact, there is no limit to Action Circles. Start where you are and just open your beautiful mouths!!! Women who attend YOGA classes at your local studio, school teachers who are impassioned about youth violence, or the environment, women attorneys, theatre companies. We are inviting everyone to see, to take the plunge into self, into other, into action! The objective is to get people together out of these gatherings that are generating RESONANCE. Meaning, that they are beginning to vibrate, synchronize and gather energy by their shared intention, purpose, and effort. This is where mystery begins. Once resonance is established, synchronicity begins. All things start to form and occur within and without to continue the process, the evolution and the growth. This is what we are already doing, now to just bring it back to(click, click, click, there's no place like)home.

Much light, Mary Sarah


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