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From: Jeanie D.
Date: Monday, July 10, 2006, 9:14 PM
Subject: Every voice heard
ID: 253301

Dear Nadine,

This is Jeanie again, in the "leadership circle" of Gather the Women (although the only way we're going to do this thing, is when every circle is a leadership circle…)

Thank you very much for staying in the conversation. We women have strong feelings these days, especially when we become activated, and generally if we stay with the conversation, the balance is spoken by someone, the larger picture becomes more visible for the honest expression, and all voices really are not only welcomed, but sorely needed.

I wanted to share a brief experience from the GTW Canadian Congress, just held in Victoria a few weeks ago. There were about 200 women there, including Dorothy MacLean (founder of Findhorn, who communed with the plant world and grew cabbages the size of bushel baskets), Margaret Fulton (outspoken Canadian women's rights activist), both in their 80s I believe, Jean Shinoda Bolen who wrote "Urgent Message from Mother" and Jean Crowden, member of the Canadian Parliament. A broader range of women's perspectives has seldom been seen, let alone held in love, but so it was. As far as could be seen, all 200 participants shared their perspectives in circles, listened and were listened to, and great hope was born for many women. That's the good news. Everyone was inspired and fed.

Then came a breakout meeting after the main event. Completely in love with one another, 45 women from many organizations, very practiced in listening from their hearts to one another, FORGOT their circle principles. We forgot to breathe together, to listen with love, and speak from our deepest longings. Finally, someone noticed how difficult the meeting had become, and we all caught ourselves almost 2 hours into the meeting.

Why had no one spoken the truth of that meeting earlier? What keeps us from speaking our truth? And we all went home with that question.

It is so vitally important to speak what is real for us. It is so vitally important to listen for the gold in what everyone is saying. This is the change in the paradigm that we are seeking. And though I might myself prefer a bit calmer exchange, I am recognizing a certain "push to birth" ourselves, that is surely a positive sign.

We women have been silent far too long, caught with the men in the dance of conditionality (I'll keep you from seeing this about yourself, if you take care of this in me...). Let's hear all the voices. Let's get rawdy, and always return to love. Now is the time, and I am very grateful for your voices here.

Namaste all, Jeanie

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