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From: Heather D.
Date: Wednesday, July 12, 2006, 7:35 AM
Subject: Hearts of Fire / A womens prayer for the nations
Reply to: 255738
ID: 253319

A response to Chrissy.

Thank you for the work you do. My comment is:

In the tone and vocabulary of your posting I hear love, care and respect for what the Lakota and other tribes are going through. I also hear tightness and outrage due to actions by others.

It may not always appear so, but there is real power in the delicate balance of being open, kind, gentle, soft, true, honest and unconditional love with ourselves and others. Moving internally in this kind of fine balance allows a natural authority to emerge from the heart, one that moves in profound authenticity and results in right action.

It is easy to be all the above qualities when things are going well, but not so easy when we meet with difficulties in life. It is important to apply rigorous honesty to knowing what we are being internally, whether it is sitting in stillness, or in the midst of sometimes stark circumstances.

From a place of true balance the outside begins to support what we are being inside. Reality becomes a source of comfort and support as opposed to something to be dealt with or gotten through.

Again, thank you for your work.


------ On 7/12/06, Chrissy J wrote ------

My name is Chrissy. I am from Youngstown, OH. I have recently started a sister group called Hearts of Fire. We are women raising awareness of the Lakota Sioux's plight for survival. We will be raising funds in the future to help with the much needed firewood and propane situation in the Dakotas. The Bush administration is pulling monies away from tribes all accross America. They just took away $300 million dollors in grants for hud, for the Native Americans. Housing, water, sewage, medical, schooling is deplorable in the Dakotas. There are many reservations in the Americas that are self substaining, and are not as poor. Places in the Dakotas are third world conditions. Our governement has taken these peoples lands, freedoms and liberties away, and is now taking what little they have promised to them in 1889. A once proud and nobel people is at the verge of cultural genocide. Our governement wants the black hills, for the monatary value in minerals. This is HOLY land. They will stop at nothing to distroy this culture and their Holy lands. Our efforts is to raise awareness worldwide eventually of the Native American plight to hold onto their HOLY lands, and to not have to burn their furniture and clothes during winter months to keep their children warm. Most of the women working on this project are in recovery and are very Spirit filled women. My plan two years ago was to organize churches to hold motorcycle and car events. God had a different plan. He's organizing women who have struggled with alcohol and drug addictions. The reservations in the Dakotas have over a 90% rate of drug addiction and alcoholism. A few of our organizers work in recovery facilities, as administrators. A few work in the prison systems. These women have a HEART for this work. We need lots of prayer. I can feel the enemy biting at my heels as I write. Please pray for our group. The Maker is sending us to a lost nation.

PEACE, Ride with the Wind of the Spirit in Truth and Love...Chrissy


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