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From: Chrissy J.
Date: Sunday, July 30, 2006, 1:10 PM
Subject: Hearts of Fire Future
Reply to: 255990
ID: 253583

---- On Sat, Jul 29, 2006, Brenda Asterino wrote ---

I weep as I read your letter, Chrissy. I have read of these things since the 60s but thought it was better. Why aren't the other tribes who are in better financial shape doing anything may I ask? Not that that releases the rest of us from stepping up to the plate when our government abuses people. I for one will be writing letters to the President of the U.S. plus Congressmen and Congresswomen. I do intend to travel that way in the near future and see if there is something I can do more physically.

Because I have been very vocal the last couple of years against some Catholic Church agression and voicing the misuse of power by local sheriff's department, I would like to have a circle formed where those of us who are making our voices heard can have a list of our names and addresses with emails. That way if anything happens to any of us, there are others who will inquire and make noise as a group. Is this possible? I would be happy to be noise maker for someone else. I would not expect it to go any further than making the public aware. I do not expect money for attorneys, etc. I realize that this is risky to ask this. I also realize that rape, death, and mental institutions have long been used by those who wish to silence others. I have been intimidated physically, verbally and with things like dead, gutted rabbits thrown into my yard for my reports to "higher" other authorities and my suggestions to women to report what they know.

I can no longer stand silently and watch all what goes on in our world. My solid belief is that I now know the real reason the statues of various Marys cry. And I know that the only way to make this a better world for future generations and for the welfare of all children is to raise consciousness so that women wish/intend to re-empower themselves.

In the spirit of all the strong archeotypes of women that have been demonized and trivialized for the last 7000 years. May we find them within ourselves for strength and perseverance.

Brenda daughter of Rosemary Cox, daughter of Mabel Rose, daughter of Sarah Shonkwiler, daughter of Elizabeth Wooten, daughter of Elizabeth Beatty, daughter of Sally/Sarah Burnside, daughter of Mary Walker, daughter of Esther Mayse (strong women who survived as we will survive and who survived so that we may do more)


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