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From: Bruce S.
Date: Thursday, August 3, 2006, 8:14 PM
Subject: Jennifer O'Neill
ID: 253644

I was just taking a break tonight, idly flipping the channels, and I happened to click past TBN -- the "Christian Broadcasting" channel. Yes, I am a spiritual and religious person, but usually I don't watch that channel too much.

But tonight -- I stopped dead in my tracks. Somebody was speaking -- with fire, authority, grace, deep insight, passion, authenticity, knowledge, such love...

So, I listened. Who IS this person, I wondered. A woman -- speaking about healing from abortion, and many other issues. I got a pencil, I got to make a note of this...

Well, this person, this voice of spiritual power -- is Jennifer O'Neill -- a Hollywood actress, with something like 35 films behind her. And she's a writer now, and has a number of books out there. And the new one -- is called "A Fall Together" -- and the first one in the series is called "A Circle of Friends: Just Off Main".

She could hardly stop herself, so much was flowing through her. This is a "true voice". If I were in the business of finding the leaders in the women's spirituality movement, I would be on the phone to her tomorrow morning...

She is a voice we need. She is wise, she is powerful, she is beautiful, she is true...

Just "one man's vote."


With love,

- Bruce

Friendship has been called a well-worn path between two homes. But for these seven women, it's a divinely routed roadmap to a small Southern town, where hearts intersect and will never again uncross, come what may.

Real life, with its greatest hurts and grandest dreams, is the basis for their story as told in A Fall Together, the first book in a new fiction series from actress Jennifer O'Neill. Varied in age, ethnicity, background, and economic status, these characters are united by their spiritual crossroads and the determination to face their personal issues with brave hope.

In this opening season, they will laugh, cry, and pray together over a breast cancer diagnosis, a troubled ex-husband, struggling teenage children, and other major matters of the heart. It's a time of coming together, when so much around them is falling apart.

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