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From: Bruce S.
Date: Friday, August 4, 2006, 6:03 PM
Subject: J.O.-Where are we going here???
Reply to: 256089
ID: 253669

Where are we going...

Hey. Where do we WANT to go --- ??

Let's go there.


Thanks for this comment, White Feather.

Let me just flash a few thoughts back out your way....

(hope you can stand an html format)


WF: You shared something that moved you deeply and I respect and honor that. I am not concerned about where you saw this remarkable woman. I am interested in her message, and the effect that she had on you.

Bruce: Thanks. And yes -- she DID have an effect on me. It was instant. Took all of about 1.2 seconds -- for me to stop in my tracks, and think to myself, WHO is this??

Why? Because she "spoke with authority".

It wasn't because "she is a beautiful woman" -- though she is. But she was dressed most unpretentiously, modestly, undramatic colors, almost no makeup. I thought she was a "writer" -- she was so articulate, so many words were tumbling through her, so much friendly urgency was in her tone...

She wasn't being bossy, and she wasn't being dominant. She wasn't pushing her weight around, and she wasn't trying to be a star. She was putting out the vibe -- she was sending a signal -- out across the world -- and that signal, in one word -- was love.

Informed, balanced, articulate, graceful, compassionate, supportive, and profound. Experienced. Truly knowing. Those kinds of people -- when they open their mouths, you want to stop and listen....

WF: Many women today are speaking out and we should not be surprised when we find that they are speaking with knowledge and love. We should be surprised and concerned when they are not.

Bruce: Yes. But you know what? Some of this takes skill.

It's an art. It's learned.

Maybe it has to be taught. Maybe "the entire women's movement" -- has to figure this out, and get real good at it, and start teaching people in every direction how to do this....

And sometimes I think -- that this network, right here -- is a fabulous place to start.

There is always a certain hesitancy in a "new movement". People think -- yes, this works for me, but I don't want to "impose my beliefs on other people". So -- sometimes an important message goes unsaid. And in that silence -- an uncertainty remains -- an uncertainty that is unnecessary.

I sometimes think -- that we should explore that here.

Is this network "a circle"?

Should we be "practicing the law of the circle" when we come here?

Isn't the circle an ancient and tested and proven way -- that we all instinctively recognize immediately -- a way to bring all our creative gifts into a common pool -- in the most deeply trusting and creative way possible?

This is an art -- that Peace X Peace -- and GTW -- have to bring into the world. We have powerful tools here. We can build a huge circle -- and we can interconnect thousands or millions of smaller circles -- all resonating to a common law, a common vibe...

WF: The essence of the Feminine Principle is knowledge tempered by fierce and profound love. She is SOPHIA. She is WISDOM.

Bruce: Yes, very much so. And the world aches to hear this. The world cries for this voice of wisdom -- of grace, of healing, of wholeness -- and, in truth -- of leadership....

We need to empower that voice in every way. We need to entrain every circle, in a common resonant harmonic....

WF: When we hear anyone speak in this way, we listen.

Bruce: Yes. Something in our souls -- simply recognizes this voice. We "know". We say -- this person speaks to my core -- this person -- is one with my core, with who I am....

WF: Jennifer may well be a wonderful spokeswoman. Only she will know what her calling is to be.

As wise as she may be, a leader that is to take the Women's Movement farther than it has ever gone before, will need all the qualities you admired in Jennifer...and much more.

Bruce: All of this is interesting. It so happens that I "registered a circle" on Peace X Peace, and for a while, nothing was happening. But now, I am starting to get interesting messages.

And this business -- of "what is leadership in a flat-networked global environment?" -- it's a profound question. We need someone who can listen -- and then put the pieces together, and add something special just her own. All the voices -- all the incredible creative voices of women all over this planet -- we need to be hearing them. We need to be interconnecting them. We need to be delivering their light to every point of darkness, where there is injury this voice can heal....

WF: There is a job posting on PEACEXPEACE, seeking a new President. I would invite all to carefully read this daunting list of requirements carefully. This group wants to move out into the International arena in a "BIG" way. Everything they are asking for in a leader will be needed in any woman that is to step forward and bring the Women's Movement to a greater level of influence and sophistication.

Bruce: And I, for one -- will be listening, will be looking for a way to create support, and connection, and greater influence, and broader inclusion, and deeper meaning.....


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