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From: White F.
Date: Monday, August 7, 2006, 9:01 PM
Subject: An Inspiration To Act: Stephen Lewis
ID: 253729

Tonight I was given a wonderful link to a site where I read an 
interview with Stephen Lewis.

The link is:

The article is titled:"This Does Not Permit Us Silence:An Interview 
With Stephen Lewis".

At one point the interviewer asks Stephen if there is a spiritual 
foundation to his work. His answer was quite remarkable.

"No. I'm driven by a social philosophy, by democratic socialism, not 
by any spiritual instinct."

When asked about the problem of despair in witnessing so much loss 
he replies"...futility leads nowhere. There is so much death, it's 
hard to avoid feeling emotionally scalded, but you can't submit to 
that kind of thing.............This does not permit us silence".

I would add, neither does it permit us inaction.

I would describe Stephen as a man deeply spiritual. His is a 
spirituality stripped of the trappings of "separative religion", 
capable of embracing the sacredness of humanity...of all life, with 
authenticity and dedication. It is realized not through talking about 
problems , but in the full measure of constructive and transformative 

To return to the Prayers Of The Cosmos,

"Keep us from the inner shame of help not given in time...."

"Break the hold of unripeness;
 The inner stagnation that prevents good fruit." 

"Free us from what holds us back."

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