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From: White F.
Date: Friday, August 11, 2006, 7:28 AM
Subject: Now We Are Leaving The Comfort Zone- A POLL
ID: 253784

Now that we are leaving the "comfort zone" and approaching the 
challenge of removing our investment in the "Collective Agreement" 
that has held us enthralled for at least 14,000 years, what is the 
best next step?

I had emphasized the necessity to evolve personally and collectively; 
that this was a moral choice that we all faced. I focused on our 
answer being in the immanent(Goddess territory), rather than the 
emmanent, and the incredible undeveloped potential of the individual.

I also encouraged action; meaningful action to bring forth a just 
world. This is something that becomes a way of life, once you have 
committed to deep personal healing and radical change.

In reviewing the GTW site history and mandate, it is clearly stated 
that this is part of an interfaith innitiative. Who actually leads 
this site if not the nearly 4000 members? Is it time, perhaps, to 
organize a poll to gather feedback from every member, as to what 
direction they personally want this site to take? Such an initiative 
should include questions such as :

1-What do I find here that is helpful?

2-What do I find here that is not helpful?

3-What is contrary to my personal goals, values, ethics?

4-What is in keeping with my goals, values and ethics?

5-What views/activities expressed on this site have caused me to feel 
alienated, frustrated, isolated, confused, unsafe, unwelcome?

6-What views/activities have given me a sense of community, 
inspiration, nurture, safety, clarity, positive direction?

7-What were my expectations when I joined this site?

8-What commitment am I able/willing to make to help improve this site 
for all?

9-Is it appropriate to allow all content, or should there be clear 
guidelines as to what is appropriate/inappropriate? How do we, as a 
circle, determine this?

10-Are we open to members from all religious persuasions, all 
cultures, all races, all nations? If not, who is excluded and on what 
grounds? If open, why do we include them? 

11-Are we open to sharing this site with all genders, male, female, 
gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender? If not, who is excluded and 
why? If we are open, who is included and why?

It would be preferrable to enter into such an examination of our 
present space and the direction we are striving for, rather than have 
wonderful people leave this site because something has put them off.

It is a time to stop defending ourselves and properly define 
ourselves. This is what maturity is all about. If we cannot approach 
these challenges and find workable solutions for each one, we have at 
least made an attempt, and we know better how to proceed from there.

Perhaps this site will arise renewed . Perhaps another site will be 
formed that will be the forum for the members who feel led to move 
into different territory.
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