Gather the Women Global Matrix From: Jeanie DeRousseau
Date: Friday, August 11, 2006
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Dear Lynda, Christina, and everyone,

When I pay attention to the energy of your message, Christina, I feel the clean wind of your passion to be real. When Lynda speaks of discord from hierarchies OF WOMEN, I see that we need to be real, not only with regard to the men, but also to each other.

And my vantage point would be my own I being real within myself? How can I become a whole being flowing with my emotions, not saying to myself that this emotion is "better" than that one? Clean anger, embraced pain, deep frustration, sweet harmony...all my experiences of this reality in a body.

I reach for wholeness in myself, and find that there is a step to take toward a more comfortable emotion, and it is ALWAYS in the experience of the emotion that I don't want to have.

What a journey we are on! And how to find our way to the better world we all envision?! I'm about to join 60 women for a gathering of Evolutionary Women ( It feels great to be coming together, and opening to our collective wisdom...a bit of respite from this individual angst.

And here we are at Gather the Women, gathering online. I feel so deeply that we are right on course, exposing all that needs to be seen, the "what is", coming together to learn from one another, following the instincts that women have always had to bring family together.

I'm grateful for the mighty companionship at this time on our planet...

Much love, Jeanie