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From: Colline C.
Date: Friday, August 11, 2006, 11:55 AM
Subject: Wheeeeee DOGGIES!
Reply to: 256219
ID: 253791

Hi.......I'm Colline.......59, F...,Mother 0f 3, 2 grandkids,....UNMARRied follower of the Mother and all Goddesses.

I'm almost homeless, and don't own my own computer. I've been alone in this world with my Alien beliefs surrounded by both male and female who are afraid of my thoughts and ideas. I know about the shields and the LODGES.

Only in studying the ancient truths gives insite to the direction of moving forward to help heal our earth and all of it's inhabitants.

Sorry..........but the majority of wars were created by men....When the BALANCE shifted to males only.

My children are Status Indians of North America. As a Mother, I vowed that I would run and hide my children from any war or draft, not because their ancestors had already shed enough of their blood (to keep their land, but because I HATE war!.

This site is the first site I feel I have a home in being with other like minded women. I have learned soooo much from just reading and exploring, and sharing.

We as women are learning to be strong and taking back our own power. I see more growth and development and accomplishments by women the world wide than I have since the 60's.

This is where I'm at: I have these last 2 years accepted "Mary"...."Angels".......and "Jesus" (from the perspective of acknowleging him as a Holy Man).

I have no faith or trust in MAN......only WEMOON. With Her Guidance Colline

------ On 8/11/06, Christina Maris wrote ------

Heyah heyah HEYAH my sister - another Artemis girl! Greetings! My birthday falls on the ancient festival of Hecate, and I've always had a special place in my heart for her. Enough of this revisionist pap - let's burn it all down!

Let me tell you how the elders have told me it used to be here on Turtle Island centuries ago, before the longskirts arrived and infected the indigenous peoples with their patriarchal cancer.

The concept I'd like to talk about is "the lodge." For many indigenous societies, there was something called the Black Lodge, to which all women in the tribe "belonged." Belonging isn't really the right word - it's not like you got voted in or something, every woman was a member, just because she was a woman.

It was the same for the men. They had the Arrow Lodge, or the Fox Lodge, as it was sometimes called, where they lived after reaching a certain age (sometimes as young as 8) and left their mother's tipi to enter into the keeping of the elder men of their tribe and be taught what is was to be a good man. They lived there until a woman agreed to marry them and accept them into her home. All dwellings were the property of women - in those days, the rule was, "you own what you make." She fleshed the hide and put the tipi together, it was her tipi. And incidentially - they were "her" children, too, since they were the product of her body. Something to think about.

Anyway... to continue. Lodges were the central nodes in the social fabric of the tribe, and each had their own exclusive areas of authority. The Arrow Lodge set the standards for male conduct, and decided about hunting and all things specific to men. The Black Lodge mediated all matters pertaining to women, and in particular enforced rules of behavior among the men. If a woman came to the Lodge with a black eye, you can bet your sweet soul that no man in the tribe had sex with a woman or a home-cooked meal until that sitation resolved itself - usually through the expulsion of the man in question from the tribe. Their strength was in their unity; all the women of the tribe understood that, being less physically capable to defend themselves by virtue of anatomy, it was in their own best interest to present a unified face to the tribe. In other words, THEY STUCK TOGETHER, and in doing so, created good lives for themselves and their children.

The areas of authority between the lodges were absolute - no man would even THINK of advising a woman in "women's business," and the reverse was true as well. Interfering in business not one's own was unthinkable... but that's not to say that anyone was at the mercy of anyone else. Should the Arrow Lodge go astray and decide it was okay for a man to hit "his" wife... well, okay, you boys do what you want, but again, no woman will have anything to do with any man (even the soft ones!) until this policy changes.

The men of the tribe needed the support of the Black Lodge before going to war. The women had risked their lives bringing these men into the world, and unless they gave the okay, there was no war. The Black Lodge recognized the authority of the chief in his specific areas of activity, but could oust him from his position if they thought he wasn't doing a good job.

This is what life looks like outside a patriarchal, hierarchical paradigm. Does this sound like something you could live with? It sure does to me, and is the guiding principle of The Feathered Serpent Lodge. We understand ourselves to be autonomous in all matters pertaining exclusively to women (and this includes reproductive rights, something we NEVER should have let men have a say in) (oh we are SO foolish sometimes), and we encourage all women to find this centering place of power in their lives. There aren't many of us in the Lodge, but the ones that are here have REALLY BIG TEETH and WILL NOT sit down and shut up. Ever.

Hecate was the guardian of the crossroads, and the original crone. Feathered Serpent women are currently all crones - maybe because we're less interested in having partners than we are in having our freedom, something none of us found (for long) in partnership with men. I hadn't actually thought of invoking Hecate's energy in the Lodge, but I will from now on. Thank you, my sister, for reminding me of one of the most ferocious and awesome female archetypes.

Now let me start picking these gobbets of Bruce's flesh from between my claws...

Blessings, love, and BIG TEETH to you all

Christina / Quanah'che Mawokee The Feathered Serpent Lodge (I added "Women's" the other day so that you would all know what we're about, but that's not technically part of the name. We know who we are!)

------ On 8/11/06, Louise Chambers wrote ------

Well spoken Christina! I heartily agree. I don't need to be wasting my precious time and breath trying to educate another "well-intentioned, nice man".

This is a Women's forum, after all.

Sit down Bruce, you've had your turn for the last 10,000 years. Sit down and listen and learn. And then go talk to your brothers, they are the ones who need to hear your voice.

Respect us and listen quietly or please leave. My inbox is full of your insipid drivel, and I don't have time to educate you.

Louise Chambers---A Radical Feminist--which doesn't mean I'm a "man- hater", it means change NOW or the Earth will surely perish. NO Savior is going to do it for us. The current system is not going to do it for us. Only the ideas and visions of a new and radical departure from the current consensus reality and status quo will save us.

In Kali, Hecate and Cerridwen's name.

------ On 8/11/06, Christina Maris wrote ------

Eh... yeah. Okay, Bruce, let's take this line by line.

------ On 8/10/06, Bruce Schuman wrote ------

Men are stupid and women are crazy. And the reason women are so crazy is because men are so stupid.
- George Carlin


I disagree. Men are not stupid - men are in charge, which means they don't have to be smart, they just have to be on top.

And women let them get away with it, because we're afraid - of what, I've never understood, but that seems to be the case, because we're still putting up with this nonsense. That's what makes us crazy.


Whenever I date a guy, I think, Is this the man I want my children to spend their weekends with?
- Rita Rudner


Yeah, funny Rita. Not quite as amusing when you're getting stiffed for child support and alimony and your ex is stalking you. Get a job.


No matter how much cats fight, there always seem to be plenty of kittens.
- Abraham Lincoln


There will always be more kittens when the females of the species don't have control over their reproductive organs.


You know "that look" that women get when they want sex? Me neither.
- Steve Martin


Not so funny when you've got one of these Neanderthals coming over the sheets at you. Get a manual.


There is no limit to our capacity to love. We can never be satisfied by loving just one person here and another there. Our need is to love completely, universally, without any reservations -- in other words, to become love itself. It can take our breath away to glimpse the vastness of such love.
- Eknath Easwaran


Oh yes, it's all about LOVE, isn't it? Happy, fuzzy, dno't worry about anything, it'll all be all right, LOVE. Me? I'd rather have equal pay for equal work and free child care in an institution that doesn't abuse my kid all day long. Then we'll talk about love, a romantic concept devised about 100 years ago to keep women from complaining that they were being treated like domestic animals. Do your homework, do some feminist historical reading, and quit reading romance novels.


You say you have no faith? Love -- and faith will come. You say you are sad? Love -- and joy will come. You say you are alone? Love -- and you will break out of your solitude. You say you are in hell? Love and you will find yourself in heaven. Heaven is love.
- Carlo Caretto


Heaven is a sop to the oppressed. "Don't worry about the fact that you're getting screwed six ways and sideways by your society - God will make it all right after you die!" I'm sooooooooo sherrrrrrrrr!


From The Sun, August 2006, featuring the Sun Interview of Marion Woodman, "Men are from Earth, And So Are Women: On the Inner Marriage of the True Masculine and the True Feminine"


Bruce... it's not a joke when it's actually your life - something you will never understand, because it's not happening to you, and it never will. The reason most feminists have no "sense of humor" is that IT ISN'T FUNNY TO US and we're tired of being nice about it.

I don't know what you had in mind when you started posting here, on a women's site, but you're not helping - at least you're not helping me. I imagine that's what you meant to do, but MEANING WELL does not guarantee DOING WELL. The first takes only intention, and wind through the vocal chords; the second takes work, long, hard, work.

You want to be a good man? Then walk it, don't talk it - you're preaching to the converted here. Work on changing the way your brothers interact with women, and let the women keep their own counsel.

I'm sure I've offended this nice, soft man, and maybe some of my sisters on this site, by saying this. I don't care. I'm so tired of men poking their "well-intentioned" noses into women's business and trying to "help us" that I'm ready to burn something down. I'm tired of being polite and "politically correct" about it. BUTT OUT, BOYS - THE GIRLS ARE TALKING HERE. If we could get some peace and quiet for a minute or two, we might be able to figure out a way to fix the mess you've made.

I declare this womanspace.

Christina / Quanah'che Mawokee




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