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From: Christina M.
Date: Friday, August 11, 2006, 1:28 PM
Subject: and another thing
Reply to: 256215
ID: 253792

I posted this to Lynda privately earlier today, but thought it might bear posting here, as well. Just adding a little more fuel to the fire...


And I hear YOU, Lynda - and what a difficult situation you have, wading through all that in-fighting. You have my sympathy and my prayers.

The dissolution of women's community was Job One for the patriarchy, and haven't they just outdone themselves. They've pitted us against each other - women of color vs. women of... not color, I guess, and poor women vs. not-poor women, older women vs. younger women... it makes me crazy. We're fighting over the scraps (breast cancer screening OR WIC coupons... why must we choose???) when we should be seated at the table along with everyone else. Of course if I had my way, we'd BE the table, and the men would be serving us dinner, and eating scraps in the kitchen after hours. For about 14,000 years. To even things out.

...yeah, I'm a big Artemis girl. Always have been.

Women are 52% of the population of the US. If we all decide we've had enough, and yank the same levers at the same time, and do it consistently, we could have every patriarch out of office in six years. SIX YEARS. We'd have to wait for those fascist bastards on the Supreme Court to die off, but you never know... we'd find a way, right? If we had that much power, we COULD find a way. Hell, we'd MAKE a way - women always do. We'd see 51 (no, make that 52) red power suits in the group shots of the Senate, not just the odd one here and there. We'd have health care, child care, and rapists' heads on pikes at every gate.

What a world we could build if we'd STOP TALKING ABOUT IT and DO IT. Grrrrrr....

Blessings and love to you, my sweet sister.

Christina / Quanah'che Mawokee

------ On 8/11/06, Lynda Weston, M. Div. wrote ------

Christina, I hear ya. I work as the spiritual care co-ordinator of a large nursing home. I work with all women, oh, except the manager/director who is a man and the board of directors, who by and large are men, and the minister of health who is a man and, and, and.... The facility is now in contract negotiations and it is becoming a hell on earth. Mainly because we have women turning/working against women because all those who do the laundry, who work on the floor with the residents, who change their diapers, who feed them, who dress their wounds and try to follow their demented minds as they desperately reach out to be heard are the women who manage them are also paid nothing and this sets everyone against each other because they cannot yet see the actual power they could wield if they would come together over this. The managers, who are also single mothers and who have sacrificed a huge amount to become managers, are now empowered and those working 'under' them are all still caught in victim status. So that is my struggle. That is my 'play' ground of the feminine at the moment. Lynda


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